
>"【韓国】イ・ガンインに批判コメントが殺到 謝罪も誠意がない"



>【右向け右】第509回 - 重村智計・早稲田大学名誉教授 × 花田紀凱(プレビュー版)

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; It falls in line with "provocation" = N. Korea criticized aerial reconnaissance activities by the U.S. and S. Korea, and warned so

>"北朝鮮が米韓の偵察を批判 論評で「挑発」に当たると警告"

> 北朝鮮の朝鮮中央通信は17日、沖縄県の嘉手納基地から離陸した米軍の偵察機が北朝鮮に対する偵察行為を繰り返していると論評で批判した。

On Feb. 17, the KCNA in N. Korea criticized in its commentary that U.S. military reconnaissance aircraft taking off from Kadena Air Base in Okinawa Pref. has repeatedly conducted reconnaissance operations against N. Korea.
Concerning S. Korean forces, it stated that it dispatched U.S. made unmanned reconnaissance aircraft Global Hawk and collect information of the inland part of N. Korea, and warned to both the U.S. and S. Korea that it fell in line with "provocation.

> 論評は、米韓の偵察行為が年明けから連日のように続けられていると指摘。
> 意図的に偵察機の航跡が分かるようにしていると主張し、北朝鮮を刺激する目的があると問題視した。
> こうした偵察行為を「軍事的な妄動」だとし、「いざとなれば壊滅できる万全の臨戦態勢にある」とけん制した。

The commentary pointed out that reconnaissance activities by the U.S. and S. Korea were continuously done almost every day since the beginning of the year.
It claimed that it intentionally made trajectory of reconnaissance aircraft clear and problematized that it's aimed at provoking N. Korea.
It asserted that such reconnaissance acts were "military reckless behavior" and kept it in check that "We are fully prepared for battle possible to annihilate them in case of a contingency."