

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 2/16)


>「信じ難いことに首相官邸は岸田 "日本は差別国家"メッセージをわざわざ英訳し世界に発信している。直ちに削除の上、首相以下官邸幹部は全員辞職せよ」と島田洋一氏。
> 世界で差別も少なく有数の寛容さを持つ日本なのに自虐史観の中で育ち、それに染まった首相と官僚がやってくれた。
> 正に "第二の河野談話"

Yoichi Shimada X-posted that "Incredibly, the Kantei (PM's Official Residence" has translated and disseminated PM Kishida's "Japan is a discriminatory country" message to the world. Immediately delete it and all executives of the Kantei including the prime minister should resign."
Japan is a country with small amount of discrimination and one of the most tolerant countries in the world. Nevertheless, the prime minister and bureaucrats -- who have grown in that masochistic view of history and been influenced by that -- have done that.
It's just a "2nd Kono Statement."


>"Video Message by Prime Minister Kishida at the Symposium on Inclusive Society and Human Rights"


>「資産運用立国を嗤う。格差拡大。30年間給料が上がらぬ日本。岸田政権が掲げる "資産運用立国"構想で家計資産はどこまで貯蓄から投資に向かうのか」と疑問を呈する平井宏治氏。
> 30年間、GDPも給料も上がらぬ日本。
> だがその失敗の責任追及もせず、財務省の操り人形の政権たらい回しを許す国。
> 致し方なし

Koji Hirai questions that "I laugh the asset management country. Widening disparity. Japan is a country where wages have yet increased for three decades. How much households' assets will be shifted from savings to investments due to "asset management country" vision raised by the Kishida administration.
Japan is a country where neither GDP nor wages have increased for three decades.
Nevertheless, it's a country where grilling of responsibility of the failure isn't done, and tolerates administrative rotation among marionettes of the MoF.
It can't be helped.


>"2000兆円覚醒、金融の使命 鈴木金融相が語る運用立国"