
>"トラック運転手の賃金10%引き上げ目指す 岸田総理が表明"



↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; [Channel Seiron]. PM Fumio Kishida is stuck in all directions

>"[チャンネル正論]. 八方ふさがりの岸田首相"

> 政治資金や旧統一教会で岸田首相に対する追及が止まらない。
> 国会は「裏金」と「接点」に明け暮れており、週刊新潮が「岸田首相のウソ」を暴露した。
> 自分の蒔いた種が自分に及び、延々と抜け出せずにいる岸田首相の苦境を月刊「正論」発行人、有元隆志と編集委員、安藤慶太が考える。

PM Fumio Kishida has been continuously grilled over issues related to political funds and the former Unification Church.
The Diet is busy in "slush funds" & "contacts" (* with the former Unification Church), and Weekly Magazine Shincho revealed "PM Kishida's lie."
Takashi Arimoto, the publisher of the monthly magazine Seiron, and Keita Ando, editorial committee of the Seion, think about PM Kishida's predicament which he is unable to escape as the matter he created by himself backfired on him.

> 八方ふさがりの岸田首相