
>"N.Korea revises part of lyrics of its national anthem"

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>「総理の真意を問うための圧力」異例の談話…与正氏が日朝関係改善に言及 狙いは?【報道ステーション】(2024年2月16日)

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; "There are no changes in our policy to seek comprehensive settlement of the abduction- and nuclear & missile issues" = FM Yoko Kamikawa emphasized so, in response to the Kim Yo-jong statement

>"上川陽子外相「拉致、核・ミサイルの包括的解決の方針に変わりない」 金与正氏談話受けて強調"

> 上川陽子外相は16日の記者会見で、北朝鮮の金正恩朝鮮労働党総書記の妹、金与正党副部長が日本人拉致問題を解決済みと主張した上で、岸田文雄首相の訪朝の可能性に言及した談話を巡り、「日朝平壌宣言に基づき、拉致、核・ミサイルといった諸懸案を包括的に解決するとの方針に変わりない」と強調した。
Over the statement of Kim Yo-jong -- sister of General Secretary of the WPK Kim Jong-un and vice department director of the ruling WPK Central Committee -- which commented on possibility of visit to N. Korea by PM Fumio Kishida, after asserting that the issue of Japanese abductees was already settled, at a press briefing on Feb. 16, FM Yoko Kamikawa empasized that "there are no changes in the policy to seek to settle various pending issues comprehensively such as the abduction and nuclear & missile issues based on the Japan-N. Korea Pyongyang Declration."

> 上川氏は、岸田首相が金氏との会談実現に向け、首相直轄のハイレベル協議を模索していることを踏まえ、「さまざまなルートを通じ、働きかけを絶えず行ってきている」と指摘した。
> その上で、「外相として、ハイレベル協議のための具体的、外交的な取り組みをリードしていきたい」と語った。

Taking it in mind that PM Kishida has sought high-level talks under the direct control of the PM in order for realizzation of a meeting with Kim Jong-un, FM Kamikawa pointed out that "via various channels, (Tokyo) has continuously been working on (N. Korea)."
After that, she said that "As a foreign minister, I would like to take a lead of concrete and diplomatic measures in order for high-level talks."