Ref.>"Kim's sister says N. Korea open to better ties with Japan"

>"N.K. leader oversees test-fire of new surface-to-sea missile"

>"N.K. leader calls for using force against S. Korean vessels violating its waters"

>"Establishment of S. Korea-Cuba diplomatic relations likely to deal 'blow' to N. Korea: official"

> N. Korea test-fired new surface-to-sea missile on Wed. under Kim's supervision: KCNA

Translation; "Personal opinion" = Kim Yo-jong commented on possibility of visit to N. Korea by PM Fumio Kishida

>"岸田首相訪朝の可能性言及 金与正氏「個人的見解」"

> 北朝鮮の金正恩朝鮮労働党総書記の妹、金与正党副部長は15日、日本人拉致問題は解決済みとした上で、同問題を両国の「障害物」とみなさなければ「岸田文雄首相が平壌を訪れる日が来ることもあり得る」との談話を発表した。
> 談話は「個人的な見解」だと表明し、北朝鮮の公式の立場ではないとしている。
> 朝鮮中央通信が報じた。

On Feb. 15, Kim Yo-jong -- sister of General Secretary of the WPK Kim Jong-un and vice department director of the ruling WPK Central Committee -- issued a statement to state that, after saying that the issue of abduction of Japanese was already settled, "it's possible that the day will come true when FM Fumio Kishida will visit Pyongyang" unless (Tokyo) doesn't consider the issue as the bilateral "barrier."
The statement expressed that it's a "personal opinion," while explaining that it's not an oficial view of N. Korea.
The state run KCNA reported so.

> 岸田氏は9日、日朝首脳会談実現への環境整備について「私が自ら必要な判断を行う。具体的にさまざまな働きかけを行っている」と国会で述べていた。
> 金与正氏は、この発言が日本メディアで「これまでとは違う立場を示したことになる」と受け止められたとし、こうした評価に「留意する」と言及した。

On Feb. 9, FM Kishida said at the Diet that "I will make the necessary decisions by myself. We have been making various concrete efforts" about environment-coordination in order for realization of Japan-N. Korea summit meeting.
Kim Yo-jong explained that this statement was perceived by media in Japan that "he showed a different position than before" and mentioed to "take note" on such assessments.