Ref.>"中国「我々は日本より下なのか」 メッシの蛮行に激怒"

>"中国紙「日本の GDP、ドイツに抜かれ世界4位に転落 だが大きく衰退とは言えない」"

>"二階氏 3400万円「書籍代」全容判明!「二階俊博の本心」5千冊など "自身の関係本"を大量購入"

>"三崎優太さん「二階元幹事長の政治団体が3年で 3500万円もの書籍代… シンプルに納税者の金を使って自分の宣伝するなんて、ふざけるな」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 2/15)


> 時事通信世論調査で岸田内閣の支持率は前月比1.7㌽減の16.9%で自民党の政権復帰後最低。
> 危険水域とされる2割台以下は7か月連続。
> 不支持率は 6.4㌽増の 60.4%で初の6割超え。
> 長く2千人の個別面接方式を取る時事の調査は信憑性が高く、岸田政権には衝撃。

In a Jiji Press opinion poll, the Kishida Cabinet's approval rating was 16.9%, down 1.7 points from the previous month -- the record lowest since the LDP returned to power.
It's the 7th consecutive month that the rate is less that 20%, which is considered a dangerous zone.
His disapproval rating is 60.4%, 6.4 point increase, and over 60% for the 1st time.
The Jiji Press survey, which takes form of individual interview with 2,000 people for a long time, is highly reliable, it's therefore shocking to the Kishida administration.
It's the signal for the "post-Kishida" race.

>"内閣支持16.9%、最低更新 不支持初の6割台 -- 時事世論調査"


> この動画は1人の人間がここまで完璧に真逆の考えを持つようになる事を証明した "人間研究として"実に貴重なものである。
> だが玉城デニー氏は沖縄県知事であり、元衆議院議員という政治家である以上、この変貌の理由について沖縄県民、そして日本国民にきちんと説明をしなければならないのは当然だろう

This footage is truly valuable as a "human study" that proves that one person can have such completely opposite ideas.
However, Denny Tamaki is a politician who is the governor of Okinawa Pref. and a former LH lawmaker. It's therefore as a matter of course that he must properly explain the reasons for this conversion to the Okinawa residents and Japanese nationals.



> 垂秀夫前駐中国大使が産経の取材に「安倍さんは習氏と親しくなる事は目標ではなく手段だったと思う。個人的関係を築き、日中関係を動かそうとした。例えば安倍さんが邦人拘束事案を会談で取り上げると習氏はまず "自分達は法治国家。法律に基づいて処理する"と答える。おそらく応答要領に書かれていて中国側は誰でも言う。だが習氏はその後 "しかし中日関係の大局を考えて対応したい"とも言った」…等々。
> 興味深い

In a coverage by The Sankei Shimbun, former Japanese ambassador to China Hideo Tarumi stated that
I think that, for former PM Shinzo Abe, getting close to Chinese President Xi Jinping was a means, not a goal. He sought to build personal relations and attempted to move Sino-Japanese relations forward. For example, when Abe brought up the case of detaining Japanese nationals in a meeting, Xi's 1st response was that "We are a country ruled by law. We will therefore handle it based on the law." It's probably written in the response guidelines, and anyone on the Chinese side says so. However, Xi later said that "However, I would like to handle the case by considering the big picture of Sino-Japan relations," etc.

>"垂前中国大使インタビュー① 日中関係、「戦略的互恵関係」と何千回唱えても解決しない"


> 垂秀夫前中国大使の証言で更に面白いのは菅直人首相が尖閣沖中国漁船衝突事件で怒鳴り出した場面。
>「菅氏が "中国は何をやろうとしてるんだ"と怒鳴っていたので "中国は圧力をかければかけるほど日本の政権は降りる(譲歩する)と思っています。これから中国はどんどん圧力をかけてきます"と説明した。そうしたら "何を言ってるんだー"と怒るので "いや現に1年前、天皇陛下との会見は1ヶ月前までに申請する慣例(30日ルール)があるのに中国の強い要請で民主党議員からいろいろ働きかけがあり、皆さん、降りられました"と言い返した。すると彼は殆ど何も言えなくなった」と。
> 日本は国家の領袖になってはいけない政治家が多過ぎる

What is even more interesting in the testimony by former Japanese ambassador to China Hideo Tarumi is the scene in which former PM Naoto Kan starts yelling about the Chinese fishing boat collision off the coast of the Senkaku Islands.
'Former PM Naoto Kan was yelling, "What is China trying to do?" I therefore explained that "China thinks that the more pressure it applied on (Japan), the more Tokyo will step down (compromise). From now on, China will therefore put more and more pressure on." When I did so, he yelled that "What are you talking!!!", I therefore retorted that "Actually, one year ago, even though there was a custom (30-day rule) to apply for a meeting with the Emperor at least one month in advance, due to China made a strong request, there was much lobbying by the DPJ members, and everyone stepped down." Then he could hardly say anything.'
Japan has too many politicians who should not be a leader of the country.
