
>"甘利氏、全国に「裏金」提供か… 政策活動費が原資の可能性 端緒は河井元法相の大規模買収事件"

>"【話題】『年々増え続けている外国人生活保護… いい加減日本人の血税を外国、外国人に使うのは止めましょう』"


> 寺原きよみの『日本を取り戻す!』【特別番組】「杉田水脈衆議院議員に訊くー保守の覚悟!!全力で日本を守る!!」寺原きよみ AJER2024.2.14(6)

Translation of X (* tweet) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 2/14)


> 朝一の飛行機で上京。
> 環境・温暖化対策調査会 → 代議士会 → 本会議 → 環境省レク → 憲法改正を速やかに実現する中堅・若手の会。

> 憲法改正の会では、日本大学名誉教授の百地章先生をお招きし、「憲法改正と国会法~改正原案の議員発議、憲法審査会発議」と題してご講演いただきました。
> このまま毎週憲法審査会が行われていても発議しなければ前に進みません。

> 発議に向けて誰が何をすればいいのか、詳しく解説いただき、とてもクリアになりました。
> 岸田総理の任期中の発議に向け、若手のチカラで前進していきます。

I took the 1st flight to Tokyo in the morning.
Research Commission on Environment and Global Warming Countermeasures → lawmakers meeting → ordinary Diet session → lecture by the MoE → middle & youngsters association to swiftly realize constitutional revision (correct name in English is unknown)

At the association of constitutional revision, we invited Prof. emeritus Akira Momochi at Nippon University. He gave a lecture titled "Constitutional Revision & the National Diet Act - draft of revision proposal initiated by Diet members and proposal initiated by the Commission on the Constitution."
The biggest question I had was that "How can we submit a proposal?"
Even if the Commission on the Constitution meetins is continuously held every week, we will not be able to move forward unless a proposal is made.
Yesterday, UH lawmaker(s) explained the dire situation of the UH Commission on the Constitution.

He provided a detailed explanation of who should do what in preparation for the proposal, and it made me understand it clearly.
We will move forward with the power of youngsters to make a proposal during PM Kishida's term.