Ref.>"MSCI、中国企業 66社を指数から除外 中国株式市場の時価総額が大幅に減少していることを受け"


>"Pacific Security Depends on Funding the New COFA Agreements with 3 Pacific Island Nations"

>【沖縄の声】【自衛隊訓練場新設計画】なぜ反対?うるま市石川 地元住民の懸念とは?[桜R6/2/13]

Translation of X (* tweets) by UH lawmaker Masahisa Sato (LDP, aka "captain of the mustache," on '24. 2/13)


> 太平洋島嶼国地域をめぐる日米豪NZ vs 中国の構図。
> 中国は外交軍事両面で、遠方での作戦遂行能力向上(遠海防衛)を企図】

[We must not allow China to break through the "the 3rd island-chain."
It is a framework of "the U.S., Japan, Australia & New Zealand" vs. "China" over the Pacific Islands region.
China has attempted to improve its ability to carry out an operation at a distance (distant sea defense) from both "diplomacy" and "military" perspectives].

>"上川大臣 太平洋地域で連携 海洋安保を強化"


> 【中国太平洋軍事戦略(第1列島線 → 第2列島線 → 第3列島線)】
> 中国の対途上国戦略『農村から都市を包囲』『民をもって官を促す』

> 一方、AUKUSで豪州原潜建造、日米豪 NZで連携経済プロジェクト

[China's Pacific Ocean military strategy (1st island chain → 2nd island chain → 3rd island chain)]
China's strategy for developing countries: [surrounding the cities from rural areas] & [encouraging the public sector with the private sector].

On the other hand, nuclear submarines for Australia on the AUKUS & the U.S., Japan, Australia & New Zealand economic cooperative project.