

>"DJ SODAさん初写真集を日本で発売「素晴らしい内容なのでぜひ予約・購入を!」"



Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 2/13)


> どこが出鱈目なのか、御説明いただけますか?
> 日本政府の慰安婦や旧朝鮮半島出身である労働者問題の認識も正しくないデタラメなのでしょうか?

Could you please explain what's falses?
Is Tokyo's understanding of the issues of "comfort women" and "Korean Peninsula native workers" also incorrect and false?



> ネットのない時代に誤った「従軍慰安婦報道」を 30年も訂正せずに続けてきた新聞社があったことを考えると、ネットだけが信用できないのではないと改めて思います。

> あの頃もネットはありませんでした。

(Excerpt from the article)
In the period before the internet, there was a newspaper company that continued wrong "military comfort women reports" for 3 decades years without correcting them. When I think about this, I once again think that it's not just the internet that can't be trusted.

(...) Come to think of it, there was a newspaper company that reported on the coral by damaging it by themselves.
Around that time too, there was't the internet.

