
>"立憲民主党、女性問題で失脚した「若新雄純氏」の会社に3年間で 780万円を支払っていた"


>"朝日新聞記者、高校で「情報リテラシー」テーマに授業 SNS上に出回るデマや偽情報、動機について解説!"


> Did Biden's classified docs presser mark the beginning of the end?

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 2/11)


> バイデン大統領の自宅などから副大統領時の機密文書が見つかった件、特別検察官は「記憶力の弱さから立証が難しいなど」と訴追を見送り。
> バイデン大統領の記憶力が異常に弱っていることが公に認められてしまう。

Concerning the case in which classified documents during his vice President period were found at President Joe Biden's home and so on, the Special Counsel's Office decided not to prosecute him, saying that "it's difficult to prove due to his poor memory."
It has been publicly acknowledged that President Joe Biden's memory has become abnormally weak.

>"バイデン大統領訴追せず 高齢などで立証困難 記憶力正常と反論"


> 政府がラピダスの1ナノ級半導体と AI向け半導体開発チームに対して 450億円を支援。
The government will provide \45 billion to Rapidus Corp's development teams for "1 nano-class semiconductors" and "semiconductors for AI."

>"最先端半導体に 450億円 経産省、ラピダス参加研究機関"


> 開発はそこまでかかりません。
> 大量生産技術を確立して工場を建設するところが大変なんです。

The development doesn't cost that much money.
The difficulty lies in "establishing mass production technology" & "building a factory."



> 半導体はすでに国策産業です。
> 口出ししていない国はゼロでしょう。
> TSMCだって台湾政府が作った企業ですよ。

Semiconductors is already a national industry.
There are probably no countries that have not intervened in it.
TSMC is also a company created by the Taiwanese government.
