

>"韓国の創氏改名は強制じゃなかった 石破氏の歴史認識のお粗末さ"

> 崔承喜

↓(See detail of this article)、八重山日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Yaeyama Nippo)

Translation; [Beam from the eyes! (159)] (by Osamu Tajima). Who killed the female dancer?

>"[目からビーム!](159). 舞姫を殺したのは誰か"

> 彼女は故郷であるソウルに帰らず日本にも戻らず、家族とともに北朝鮮に渡る。
> 理由はさだかではないが、夫の安獏がかつてプロレタリア文学運動に加わっていたことも影響しているだろう。
> 当時の大韓民国では、親日派ということ以上に、共産主義者というレッテルは身の危険に直結するものだった。

When WW2 ended, >"Choi Seung-hee" -- who was hailed as the "female dancer of the peninsula" and whose name was famous not only in Japan but also in Europe before the end of WW2 -- was in China where she was visiting as part of a comfort group.
She returned to neither her hometown of Seoul nor Japan, but went to N. Korea with her family.
The reason why isn't clear, but it was likely impacted by the fact that her husband "An Mak" participated in the proletarian literary movement in the past.
In the Republic of Korea around that time, the label of being a communist was even more dangerous than being pro-Japan.

> 北朝鮮では金日成の庇護の下、舞踏研究所を任され彼女の名を冠した劇場が建設されるなど、当初は厚遇されていたが、1967年、突如、「ブルジョア分子」として一家は粛清されるのである。
> まず夫の安が連行、鉄道工夫として重労働に従事され死にいたった。
> 崔と娘でやはり舞踏家の安聖姫も1969年に処刑されたらしい。

In N. Korea, they were initially treated well -- such as that, under Kim Il-sung's patronage, she was put in charge of a dance institute and a theater named after her was built. However, in 1967, her family was suddenly purged as a "bourgeois element."
At first, her husband "An Mak" was taken away and imposed hard labor as a railway engineer, which led to his death.
It seems that Choi Seung-hee & Ahn Seung-ja (her daugher who was also a dancer) were also executed in 1969.

> こういった粛清は現在まで続いており、「反革命文士(ママ)」だけでなく、アジアプレスによれば、かつては国際試合で敗退したサッカー選手なども容赦なく炭鉱に送られたという。
> ある一家も強制収容所行きとなった。
> 韓国のラジオ報道を聞いた、というのがその罪状だ。

Such kind of purges has been continously commited even until now. In addition to "counterrevolutionary elements," according to Asia Press, football players and so on, who were defeated in international matches, were also sent to the coal mines without mercy.
One family was also sent to a concentration camp.
The charge was that they heard S. Korean radio news report(s).

> 群馬県立公園・群馬の森の、いわゆる朝鮮人徴用工追悼碑の撤去が無事終了し、原状回復した。
> 国民の義務である戦時徴用を「強制連行」「強制労働」と言い換えるなら、納税も「搾取」になるのだろうか。
> そもそも、いくら調査しても群馬県での徴用者の死亡例は一件も確認されていない。
> やはり、どう考えてもあの碑はあやしい。

The removal of the so called memorial monument for Korean Peninsula native conscripted workers erected in the "Gunma Prefectural Forest Park" in Gunma Pref, was completed without any trouble, and the original conditions was restored.
If wartime conscription, which was a duty imposed on the nationals, are paraphrased into "forced taking away" and "forced labor," does paying tax also mean "exploitation"?
In the first place, no matter how much research we did, not even a single case of death among conscripted workers in Gunma Prefecture were confirmed.
After all, no matter how we look at it, that monument is suspicious.

> 今回の行政代執行に関し、北朝鮮は労働新聞を通して「耐えがたき暴挙」「卑劣な妄動」だとし、「ただちに復元しなければならない」と非難した。
> 朝鮮人をもっとも多く強制労働で殺してきた国がどの口でこんなことをいうのかと、片腹が痛くなった。

Regarding the administrative subrogation procedure this time, via the Rodong Sinmun, N. Korea expressed that "intolerable outrageous act" & "despicable reckless behavior" and criticized that "it must be restored immediately."
I thought it was ridiculous and belt bitter that how dare the country, which has killed the largest number of Koreans in forced labor, said that.

> あの碑を建てた市民団体には、ぜひ金正恩に「記憶」と「反省」を促す碑を平壌の地に寄進してほしいものだ。
> もっとも同団体の前身団体の代表を務めた元参議院議員は、朝鮮総連系の商工会から献金を受けていた疑惑のある人物だそうで、こういう人士にとっては、38度線の向こうで虫けらのように死んでいった労働者の命など所詮、関心の外なのだろう。

I would like the civic organization, which constructed the monument, to donate a monument to Pyongyang to prompt "memory" and "reflection" to Kim Jong-un.
However, former UH lawmaker (* Giichi Tsunoda), who served as the representative of the organization's predecessor one, is a person who is allegedly suspected to have received donation-money from a Chongryon-affiliated chamber of commerce. For such persons, the lives of the workers, who died like insects on the other side of the 38th parallel, are probably out of their interest.

> それにしても崔承喜が戦後、北でもなく南でもなく、日本に戻っていたらと考える。
> むろん殺されることもなかったし、日本人に愛され尊敬された彼女のこと、在日社会と日本社会の架け橋となり、両者の関係ももっと違ったものになっていただろうと残念に思う。

Anyway, I wonder if Choi Seung-hee had returned to Japan after the end of the war, instead of neither N. Korea nor S. Korea.
Needless to say, she wouldn't have been killed, and as she was a person who was loved and respected by Japanese persons, I therefore feel sorry that she would have bridged between the ban-jjokbari society and the Japanese society, and the relations between the two would have been much different.