Ref.>"5市町、空港強化を直訴 玉城知事、沖縄振興への影響懸念"

>"経由地の台湾で中国人家族が亡命申請、台湾当局は却下 台湾総統選直後のタイミングでの中台関係緊張を懸念したか"

>"米サイバー専門機関と FBIが米企業の中国製ドローン使用に警告 データがメーカーに筒抜け、重要インフラの安全保障に大きなリスク"

>【沖縄の声】【玉城知事、北方領土に行ってみろ!】米国から警告、我国サイバー防御の実態 / 7日は「北方領土の日」、こうも異なる北方領土と沖縄[桜R6/2/9]

↓(See detail of this article)、八重山日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Yaeyama Nippo)

Translation; [Gold wave silver wave]. On the relocation issue of U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma to Henoko...


> 米軍普天間飛行場の辺野古移設問題では「沖縄県民の民意を聞け」と国に訴える玉城デニー県政だが、離島5市町村がそろって要請した空港、港湾の機能強化に対しては、首を縦に振ろうとしない。
> 地元のインフラ整備を熱望する「離島の民意」は直視しないのか。
> 玉城県政は「民意」を都合良く使い分けている、と思わざるを得ない

The Denny Tamaki pref. government, which appeals to the central government to "listen to the will of Okinawa residents" on the relocation issue of U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma to Henoko. However, it doesn't agree with upgrade of functions of airports and ports, which was requested by five remote island municipalities en masse.
Doesn't it directly face the "will of remote islands" which eagerly desires local inflastructure construction!?
I can't be helped but to think that the Denny Tamaki Pref. government uses "public will" in different ways depending on conveniences.

> 国との調整は続けるようだが、これだけ「できない理由」を並べ立てられれば、当分の間、同意することはなさそうだ

* In response to the vision that the central government will coordinate airports & ports as "specific important bases," the Denny Tamaki Pref. government questioned as follows;
- the plan for using the SDF is unclear.
- it may affect the Okinawa promotion budget.
- If airports and ports are used in military purposes, there is a concern that they could become targets of attack in the event of a contingency.
It seems that he will continuously coordinate with the central government. However, he lined up "the reason why impossible" so much, it's therefore forecasted that he won't agree for the time being.

> 翻意を求めるなら、離島住民も相応の覚悟が必要だ

* Extension of the runways at "New Ishigaki Airport" & "Yonaguni Airport," which local communities has requested repeatedly, the pref. government has yet accepted citing cost-performance.
Residents of remote islands therefore also need to be prepared accordingly, if they want to seek change of will.

> 実はもっと根深い

* The situation this time should not be seen as a superficial political conflict.
Actually speaking, it's more deep-rooted.

> 県の対応は離島住民にとって、既視感がある光景ではなかろうか。

* No matter conservatives or liberal in the pref. government, there is a hidden problem of "disrespect for remote islands" -- the will of supporters based on the main-island is prioritized than the requests of residents on remote islands.
The pref. government's responses may seem like a sense of déjà vu for residents on remote islands.