Ref.>"N. Korea scraps laws on inter-Korean economic cooperation"

>"N. Korea renews call for combat readiness on military founding anniversary"

>"N. Korea continues 'malicious' cyber activity, IT worker dispatch to fund WMD capabilities: U.S. report"

>"【動画】文鮮明「日本は悪い国?いい国?」→ 信者「悪い国」→ 文鮮明「日本に住んでいる君たちは悪い人?いい人?」→ 文鮮明「ハッキリしてよ!悪い人だからぁ!!」"

> Pyongyang threatens to annihilate those that challenge N. Korea's 'dignity'

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 2/8)


> 朝鮮中央通信が北朝鮮最高人民会議が韓国との経済分野での協力協定を全廃する事を決定したと報道。
> 文在寅大統領(当時)が「南北協力して日本に対抗する」と宣言したのは僅か5年前。
> 今後、対立は激化する一方だろう。
> 韓国では国家防衛の為に核武装が圧倒的に支持されている。
> その動向からも目を外せない

The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported that the standing committee of N. Korea's Supreme People's Assembly (SPA) decided to completely abolish the law on inter-Korean economic cooperation.
It was only five years ago that then-President Moon Jae-in declared that "North- and South Koreas will cooperate each other and confront with Japan."
The conflict will probably only intensify from now on.
In S. Korea, nuclear weapons are overwhelmingly supported for national defense.
We can't take our eyes off this trend too.



> 中国による台湾海峡の飛行ルート変更や日本の尖閣上空での退避勧告の意味を元米海兵隊の政治学者 R.エルドリッジ氏が分析。
> 独裁覇権国家の恐怖… 尖閣への最大関心を

Political scientist Robert D. Eldridge, a former U.S. Marine, analyzes the implications of the change in flight routes across the Taiwan Strait and evacuation recommendations over Japan's Senkaku Islands by China.
By a perverse form of civil-military fusion, it depletes the resistance capabilities of neighboring countries and provides cover for the injection of military aircraft into Taiwan's weakened airspace. In addition, SDF aircraft also regularly have to scramble Chinese military aircraft over the Senkaku Islands. Many members therefore become exhausted and leave the SDF. China's goal is to deplete its enemies' military pilots and aircraft.
The fear of the dictatorial hegemonic state... the greatest interest should be paid to the Senkaku Islands.
