
>"韓国で「パスミス」がトレンド入り ヨルダン戦、最初の失点もバックパスを奪われ...「なんでこんなに多いの?」「練習してないのかと思うくらい」"

> 映画『ビヨンド・ユートピア 脱北』キム・ソンウン牧師が語る「私が脱北者支援を続ける理由」

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; [Hello from Seoul]. The power of images, with which N. Korea fears influx = the reality of escape from N. Korea portrayed in a documentary

>"[ソウルからヨボセヨ]. 北朝鮮が流入を恐れる映像の力 ドキュメンタリーが描き出した脱北のリアル"

> 女児2人と 80代の祖母を含む脱北者一家5人が東南アジアのタイまで逃れる約1万 2000キロの行程に密着した米国のドキュメンタリー映画「ビヨンド・ユートピア 脱北」の韓国公開に合わせ、韓国統一省が先日、試写会を催した。
> 上映後には金暎浩統一相や、一家の韓国への脱北を支援し映画にも登場する金成恩牧師が質問に応じた。

In conjunction with the release of the U.S. documentary film "Beyong Yutopia," which portrays a family of five N. Korean defectors, including two girls and a grandmother in her 80s, fleeing the approx. 12,000 km journey to Thailand in Southeast Asia, Ministry of Unification in S. Korea held a preview screening on the other day.
After the screening, S. Korean Unification Minister Kim Yung-ho and pastor Kim Sung-eun, who supported the family's escape from N. Korea and even appears in the film, answered questions.

> 牧師はこれまで1000人以上の脱北を支援してきたといい、現場の危険さを身に染みて知る人ならではの重みのある言葉だった。

In response to the question that Can't Seoul support to escape from N. Korea?", pastor Kim Sung-eun replied to the effect that if the government directly support it, N. Korea would argue that "abduction of its nationals by the S. Korean authorities" and S. Koreans at the Sino-N. Korean border could be abducted in retaliation.
The pastor has allegedly supported more than 1,000 persons to defect from N. Korea, therefore these were words with great weight only possible for the persons who knows the on-site danger firsthand.

> 映画では、ベトナムとラオス国境の漆黒の密林を一家が夜通し歩かされる場面も映し出された。
> 記者は複数の脱北者を取材し、脱北がいかに過酷かを頭では分かった気でいた。
> だが、実際の場面を映像で見せつけられ、これほど険しい道なき道だったのかと、思わず手に汗を握った。
> 実写が持つ迫力だった。

It's also portrayed in the film that the family was forced to walk through the pitch black jungle on the border between Vietnam and Laos through the night.
The reporter interviewed multiple N. Korean defectors and thought to have understood in my head that how harsh the process of defection was.
However, when I was shown the actual scene in the footage, I couldn't help but sweat in my hands as I realized how difficult the road without road was.
It had the power of live filming.

> 金正恩政権は国外からの映像流入に神経をとがらせ、映像を流布した者には極刑も辞さない。
> 映像が持つ力が独裁体制を揺るがすことを誰より知っているからだろう。

The Kim Jong-un administration has become nervous about the influx of overseas footages, and he doesn't hesitate capital punishment to the ones who disseminate footages.
The reason why is probably he knows better than anyone that the power of images can shake up the dictatorial regime.