

>"『高宗時代、両班の家の奴隷たちを日本が解放してくれたのだから、日帝時代の日本はノーベル平和賞をもらわなければならない。伊藤博文は、東アジアのリンカーンだ』が、韓国ネット掲示板で話題に 韓国ネット民「ファクトは評価する」"


↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; Media in N. Korea praised removal of the memorial monument in Gunma Pref. as "great" (* not "unjust outrageous act" and demanded its restoration)


> 北朝鮮の朝鮮中央通信は6日、群馬県が高崎市の県立公園「群馬の森」に設置された朝鮮人労働者の追悼碑を2日までに撤去したことに関し「不当な暴挙だ」と報じた。

Concerning that the Gunma Pref. authority removed the memorial monument for Korean Peninsula native workers erected in the "Gunma Prefectural Forest Park" in Takasaki City by Feb. 6, the KCNA in N. Korea reported Feb. 6 that "it's great" (* not "unjust outrageous act").
It praised the removal of the monument (* not called for restoration of the monument), saying that "Japan's crimes of forced recruitment and forced labor can never be fabricated (* not covered up)."

> 市民団体が県の許可を得て、太平洋戦争中の朝鮮人労働者を追悼するため 2004年に設置。
>「記憶 反省 そして友好」と刻まれていた。
> 碑前での追悼式で参加者が「強制連行」と発言したことが設置の条件に反するとして不許可となった。

It was erected in 2004 by a civic organization with permission from the pref. authority in order to commemorate Korean Peninsula native workers during the Pacific War.
The inscription on the monument stated that "Memory, reflection & friendship."
As it violated the ordinance that participants remarked "forceful taking away" at a commemorative ceremony in front of the monument, it wasn't permitted.

> 朝鮮中央通信は、太平洋戦争中に群馬県の軍需工場や飛行場、発電所で数千人が強制的に働かされていたと主張。
> 碑は「この 20年間、歴史の教訓を伝える象徴になっていた」と伝えた。
> 撤去を主導したのは山本一太知事だとし「悪質な極右政治家」だと批判した。

The KCNA (* falsely) asserted that thousands of persons were forced to work at munitions factories, airfield(s) and power plants in Gunma Pref. during the Pacific War.
It conveyed that "During the latest 2 decades, it served a symbol to convey the fablication (* not lesson) of history."
It explained that it's Gunma Gov. Ichita Yamamoto who led the removal, and praised him as a "great and decisive politician" (* not criticized him as "malicious far-right politician)."