Ref.>"在日「京都にもヘイト条例を」 ウトロ地区で友好の集い"



Translation of X (* tweet) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 2/6)


> アジア杯の日本敗退について、韓国内には「ざまぁ」「メシウマ」の声があるのも事実だが、同情と憂慮の意見も見られる🤔
> 日本代表の次の Aマッチが北朝鮮戦だから。
> 韓国代表さえ悪夢と狂気を経験した金日成競技場😱

> 数年前韓国代表の遠征の時、競技場には銃を持った軍人、携帯封印、ネット禁止、食材没収😳
> 今度は水くらい自分たちの水飲むだろうな🙄

It's true that there are voices in S. Korea, saying that "it serves it right" and "Schadenfreude" regarding Japan's defeat in the AFC Asian Cup. However, there are also opinions of sympathy and concern🤔
The reason why is that its next A match for the Japanese national team is against the N. Korean one.
Kim Il-sung Stadium, where even the S. Korean national team experienced nightmares and madness😱

A few years ago, when the S. Korean national team was on tour, there were troops with guns in the stadium, mobile phones were sealed, internet access was prohibited and food items were confiscated.
Next time, they'll probably drink their own water🙄