Ref.>"朝鮮人追悼碑撤去に日本議員「本当に良かった」… 徐教授「歴史をまともに学べなかったため」"


>"【安定のダブスタ】「おばさん」は NGで「おじさん」は OK? 『麻生発言』追及の立憲民主党女性議員、過去の SNS投稿が物議醸す"


Translation; "It's not harassment isn't it, when the person herself being said doesn't think so!?" = LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP) certified the Aso's "aged female" remark article as "double standard"


> 自民党の杉田水脈衆院議員が3日、X(旧ツイッター)を更新。
> 麻生太郎副総裁が上川陽子外相に「おばさん」などと容姿を揶揄する発言をしたことについて、持論を述べた。

On Feb. 3, LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP) newly posted on X (formerly Twitter).
She expressed her view on LDP on that LDP vice President Taro Aso remarked about appearance of FM Yoko Kamikawa such as "aged female."

> 杉田氏は、朝日新聞デジタルが上川氏「どのような声もありがたく受け止めている」と反応したことに「波紋が広がっている」と報じたことを引用。

Sugita quoted that The Asahi Shimbun Digital reported that "it causes ripple effect" about that FM Kamikawa responded that "I gratefully accept every and each voice."
In response to the contents that "It's pointed out that I expect her to resolutely addressed that," (Sugita) questioned that "For a long time, it has been explained that harassment such as sexual harassment is [committed if a person receiving the harassment doesn't like it]. If so, when the person who was said so didn't think anything of it, wouldn't it be harassment in the 1st place? Very double standard."

> コメント欄には「その通り」と賛同する声とともに「その考え方がハラスメントを増長させてきた」「言えないのもあるんじゃないの」という意見も寄せられた。
> 麻生氏は、発言を撤回している。

Sugita went on to write that "It's hard to understand that someone criticizes how she (* FM Yoko Kamikawa) feels about that."
In the comment section, along with supporting comments such as "you has a point," opinions such as "such way of thiking has encouraged harassment" & "maybe, there are matters impossible to say" are also posted.
Aso retracted his remark.