Ref.>"中国で存在感失う韓国製品 30年前の水準まで後退"



Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 2/5)


> 中国出身の豪州人作家ヤン・ヘンジュン氏に執行猶予付の死刑判決。
> 西側は衝撃。
> 5年前に拘束され、スパイ罪の審理が非公開で進んでいた。
> 昨年7月の反スパイ法改正以来、外資を呼び戻す為の "緩和"どころか "何か"あれば「死刑も…」が明らかに。
> 拘束中の人間への懸念が各国で噴出

China-native Australian writer "Yang Hengjun" has been sentenced suspended death penalty.
Western countries are shocked.
He was arrested five years ago and his trial on espionage charges was underway behind closed doors.
Since the revision of the anti-espionage law in last July, it becomes clear that, far from "relaxation" in order to attract foreign capital back, when "something" happen, "even the death penalty..." is possible.
Concerns about persons in detention are erupting in various each country.

>"中国がオーストラリア人作家に猶予付き死刑判決 スパイ罪で拘束"


> ご冗談を。
> 中国は尖閣1㍉の領有根拠もない。
>『>"Senkaku 1945"』第6章に詳述した通り。
> 日本国民は日本固有の領土・魚釣島に多くの日本人の遺骨が埋まっている事を忘れてはならない

Chinese media reported that "The Senkaku Islands is Chinese inherent territory. No matter how much Tokyo & Japanese nationals protest against our country's buoys installed near Uotsuri Island (* not Diaoyu Islands), useless."
No kidding.
China's claim of sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands is without even an inch of basis.
As I explained in details in chapter-6 of [>"Senkaku 1945"].
The Japanese nationals mustn't forget that the remains of many Japanese persons are buried on Uotsuri Island, an inherent Japanese territory.



> 米政府が 20年夏 "日本の在外公館のネットワークが中国に見られている"と日本側に伝えていた件で北京の日本大使館と外務省間など公電が幅広く中国に読まれてきたと読売。
> ハード面だけでなくヒューミントでもやられ放題の日本。
> 媚中政治家の政権たらい回しに入る(?)日本なら致し方なし

Concerning the case that, in the 2020 summer, Washington informed Japan that the network of Japan's overseas diplomatic missions was being viewed by China, The Yomiuri Shimbun reported that public cables including between the Japanese Embassy in Beijing and the MoFA have been widely read by China.
Japan is in a position where (China) can do all what it wants, not only in terms of hardware, but also in HUMINT (* human intelligence).
It can't be helped for Japan, where rotation basis administrative replacements by pro-China pliticians will be kicked off(?).



> その為には憲法改正も、防衛力増強も、また核シェアリング議論も許さず、自民党内の媚中派、公明創価学会、野党、マスコミ、左翼勢力…を自在に使う。
> 幾重にも張り巡らされた "中国協力網"の怖さ

Leaving Japan defenseless is extremely important for the one considering to invade (Japan).
To that end, it doesn't allow the constitutional amendment, upgrade of defense capabilities and talks about nuclear sharing, and freely uses the LDP intra-party pro-China factions, the Komei Soka Gakkai, opposition parties, the media and leftist forces, etc.
This is the fear of the multi-layered "China cooperation network."