

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; [Hello from Seoul]. The failure of an Adm. Yi Sun-shin film

>"[ソウルからヨボセヨ]. 李舜臣映画がコケた"

> 韓国で愛国映画の定番として必ず大ヒットする〝李舜臣モノ〟が珍しくヒットを逃し話題だ。
16世紀、朝鮮半島に攻め入った豊臣秀吉の水軍を打ち破り〝救国の英雄〟になっている李舜臣将軍を描いた3部作の完結編『露梁(ノリャン) 死の海』(キム・ハンミン監督)で、昨年末に封切られたが観客動員 500万人に満たず、このままでは予想に反し赤字だというのが逆にニュースになっている。

"The Story of Yi Sun-shin," which is always a big hit in S. Korea as a standard patriotic movie, has become a hot topic for failing to be a hit rarely.
It's the [>"Noryang: Sea of Death"] (Directed by Kim Han-Min ) -- the final part of a trilogy portraying "Adm. Yi Sun-shin," who defeated Toyotomi Hideyoshi's navy that invaded the Korean peninsula in the 16th century and became a "hero of the national salvation." It's opened at the end of last year, but the audience is less than 5 million, it's therefore news reported reversely that if it goes as it is, the box office will be in the red contrary to the expectation.

> このシリーズは第1作『鳴梁(ミョンリャン)』(2014年)が史上最高の観客動員1761万人で大当たりし、第2作『閑山(ハンサン)』(22年)も観客動員 726万人でヒット。
> 3作とも巨額の製作費を投入し派手な海戦シーンで日本をやっつける話だが、今回は最後に李舜臣が船の上で鉄砲玉に当たって戦死してしまうので観客は不満だったのかも?

Concerning the series, the 1st work [Myeong-ryang (>"The Admiral: Roaring Currents")] (2014) was a mega hit with the record largest audience of 17.61 million. The 2nd work, [Hansan ("Hansan: Rising Dragon")] (2022), was also a hit with an audience of 7.26 million.
All three works were used huge production costs, and stories to defeat Japan while showing flashy naval battle scenes. However, this time, perhaps the audience may be dissatisfied as Adm. Yi Sun-shin is finally hit by a gun ball on the ship and die!?

> さらに李舜臣と戦う日本側の総大将、薩摩の島津義弘が、韓国人俳優ながら風貌、物言い、身のこなしなど実に立派に描かれ李舜臣より貫禄があった。
> 韓国映画では異例に近い日本人描写だが、これも観客動員に影響したか?
> いや。
> 今や先進国化した韓国だから対日余裕の産物かもしれない。
> 以前のように映画やドラマで日本人を間抜けに描いて笑いものにする必要はなくなったのだろう。

Furthermore, Yoshihiro Shimazu of Satsuma clan, the commander in chief on the Japanese side who fights against Adm. Yi Sun-shin, is portrayed very admirably in terms of appearance, speech and demeanor, even though he is a S.Korean actor. He is more dignified than Adm. Yi Sun-shin.
It's almost unusual way of portraying Japanese persons in S. Korean films, it also influenced the number of viewers?
Not so.
Since S. Korea is already a developed country in nowadays, this may be a product of its leeway to Japan.
Maybe, it's no longer necessary for them to portray Japanese persons in goofy way and make fun of them in movies and TV dramas, as they used to be.