Ref.>"N. Korea fires several cruise missiles off west coast: JCS"

>"Indonesian engineers at KAI probed for alleged tech theft of KF-21"

>"N. Korean leader calls for bolstering navy's war readiness during visit to shipyard"

> N. Korea conducts fourth cruise missile launch in 10 days, posing threat to S. Korea

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; "Appreciation to Kim Jong-un," PM Fumio Kishida expressed so, while saying that "I'm not in a position to answer" about the intention of Kim Jong-un regarding his telegram of condolence on the Noto Peninsula Earthquake

>"岸田首相「金正恩氏に謝意」 能登半島地震見舞い電報に 金氏の意図「答える立場にない」"

> 岸田文雄首相は2日の参院代表質問で、北朝鮮の金正恩朝鮮労働党総書記が首相に送った能登半島地震に対する見舞いの電報を巡り「多くの国・地域からメッセージを受けており政府として感謝する。金氏からのお見舞いのメッセージについても感謝の意を表明したところだ」と述べた。
> 林芳正官房長官が1月6日の記者会見で、電報への謝意を示したことを念頭に置いているとみられる。

Over the telegram of condolence sent by Kim Jong-un, General Secretary of the WPK in N. Korea, to the prime minister in response to the Noto Peninsula earthquake, in a UH representative questioning on Feb. 2, PM Fumio Kishida said that "We have received messages from many countries & regions, the government therefore would like to express our gratitude. Concernig the message of condolence sent by Kim Jong-un, we also expressed our gratitude.
It seems that he took in mind that Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi showed will of gratitude to the telegram at a press briefing on Jan. 6.

> 国民民主党の榛葉賀津也氏は「北朝鮮最高指導者からの初のメッセージにどのような政治的意図を読み取るか」と質問。
> 首相は「答える立場にない」と明言を避けた。
> 日朝平壌宣言に基づき国交正常化を目指す立場は変わらないと強調し、金氏との首脳会談に重ねて意欲を示した。

UH lawmaker Shinba Kazuya (DPFP) questioned that "What kind of political intentions do you read in the st message from the supreme leader in N. Korea?".
The PM avoided to answer clearly, saying that "I'm not in the position to answer."
He emphasized that there were no changes in the position of aiming for the normalization of diplomatic relations based on the Japan-N. Korea Pyongyang Declaration, and once again showed his will to hold a summit meeting with Kim Jong-un.