Ref.>"<福島香織氏> 中国株が大暴落! 政府が株主の企業群「ナショナルチーム」も力尽き、中国はもう株を買い支える力も持っていない 共産党の特権階級も逃げ出す準備"

>"高さ 70メートルのクルーズ船から飛び降りたトルコ国籍の男 泳いで不法上陸も逮捕 沖縄那覇港 「不法に上陸した認識はない」と容疑を否認 ⇒ ネットの反応「どこの国に船から飛び降りて泳いで上陸するのが合法な国があんだよ…」"


>「中国海洋監測」と表記のブイ 日本の EEZ内に漂流(2024年2月2日)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 2/2)


> 尖閣 EEZ内で上下逆さまの状態で中国ブイ発見。
> 直径5㍍程で "中国海洋監測"と表記。
> 政府は中国側に説明を求め、海保は "航行警報"を発出し船舶の安全確保のためブイに発光物を取りつけた。
> 自国 EEZ内を浮遊する不審物を曳行して解明もできない岸田政権。
> そんなに中国が怖いなら早く首相を辞めよ。
> 資格なし

A Chinese upside downed buoy was found in the EEZ around the Senkaku Islands.
It is about 5 meters in diameter and is labeled as "China maritime observation."
The government requested the Chinese side to explain that, and the Japan Coast Guard issued a "navigation warning" and attached a luminous object to the buoy to ensure the safety of ships.
The Kishida administration, which is unable to even tow away and thoroughly investigate the suspicious object floating within its own EEZ.
If you are so afraid of China, resign as prime minister ASAP.
He doesn't have qualification.

> 宇都宮市が性風俗店で副業をした市立保育園勤務の 20代女性保育士を停職3か月の懲戒処分に。
> 女性は1日付で依願退職。
> 計 69日の副業で約155万円の収入を得て "奨学金の返済や生活費に充てた"と。
> 保育士の安すぎる給与と奨学金返済や生活費に充てたとの言葉が哀しくないか。
> 現場で働くまじめな日本人の待遇も上げられず外国人に費やす膨大な費用…
> 国民はいつまでこの異常事態を許すのか
Utsunomiya city authority punished a 20-year-old female childcare worker at a municipal nursery school, who worked as a side job at a sexual shop with a three-month suspension.
The female resigned on request as of Feb. 1.
In a total of 69 days of side work, she earned approx. \1.55 million, which she explained she "used it to pay back her scholarship and cover living expenses."
Isn't it pity that the childcare worker's salary was too low and that the money was used to pay off her scholarship and living expenses?
The serious Japanese people working on-site are not treated well, while the huge amount of money is spent on foreigners...
How long will the nationals tolerate this abnormal situation?

>"風俗店で副業の保育士を懲戒処分 収入は「奨学金返済に」 宇都宮"