Ref.>"韓流アイドルの EXO元メンバー、30人以上性暴行で去勢へ"


>"ツイ民「おじいちゃんに『どこから来た?』と聞かれ、『福岡』と答えた… 『いや、元々の国は?』と聞かれた… グローバルになりつつある日本はこういう発言は気をつけないと…」⇒ ナザレンコ氏「くだらない被害者意識」 崔碩栄氏「過剰反応」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 2/1)


> ミス日本になった時

I remember that when she was chosen as "Miss Japan," there were many persons who counterargued that "Whad does matter isn't appearance, but the inner side."🙄



> これ、日本人じゃなくて日本にいる外国人だって、欧米系の外国人が「東京から来た」とか「北海道から来た」と言ったら、同じこと聞くと思う🤔


> 欧米で「中国人ですか?」と言われたら、不愉快だという韓国人、日本人もいるし、逆に「日本人ですか?」「韓国人ですか?」と言われたら不愉快だという中国人もいる。
> それも同じく過剰反応する必要はないと思う。

I think that not only Japanese persons but also foreigners living in Japan would ask the same thing, if a European or American foreigner says that "I'm from Tokyo" or "I'm from Hokkaido."

Rather than "We have to be careful what we say," I think that "We shouldn't overreact to such questions."🙄

Some S. Koreans and Japanese persons find it unpleasant when asked in Western countries that "Are you Chinese?". On the other hand, some Chinese ones feel uncomfortable when someone asks them that "Are you Japanese?" or "Are you S. Korean?".
Similarly, I don't think there's any need to overreact.