Ref.>"朝鮮人追悼碑が撤去され更地に 市民「良心をずたずたにされた思い」"

>"米国で「ヒュンダイ車がニンニク臭い!」と苦情殺到 → 韓国ネット「コロナ予防になる」"

>"韓国、処理水問題受けても日本産食品の輸入14%増加 → 韓国ネット「韓国政府は日本の食べものをなんとか売ろうと必死!」"

>"ホモの竹内周平さん「アンミカさんね 私たちホモオカマ界隈にも 進出してきてるのを世間の皆さんに 是非知って頂きたいです(怒)」"


> Japan starts removing memorial for Korean victims of wartime forced labor, despite strong protests

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 2/1)


> 最高裁判決に従い朝鮮人追悼碑撤去の群馬県に "理解できない暴挙"と攻撃を続ける朝日。
> 政治的行事を禁じた "設置条件"に反した側を擁護し「>"戦前の日本を美化する風潮が強まるなか一部勢力から抗議を受けた県が政治的中立を盾に事なかれ主義に陥っている"」と。
> 朝日よ、大丈夫か?

The Asahi Shimbun, which continuously attacks Gunma Prefectural authority, which removes the memorial monument for Koreans in accordance with the Supreme Court's ruling, calling it an "ununderstandable outrage."
It defends the side that violated the "installment-conditions" to have prohibited political events, saying that "As the trend of glorifying pre-war Japan grows stronger, the prefectural authority, which has faced protests from some powers, uses its political neutrality as a shield to become a principle without incident.
Asahi Shimbun, are you okay?

> キャスティングボートを握る民衆党8人は決戦投票を棄権し、台湾の立法院長に国民党の韓国瑜前高雄市長選出。
> 極めつけの親中派が議長になり、予算や法案審議の優先順位を決める主導権は国民党に。
> 頼清徳氏も辛い。
> 台湾に手を差し出す指導者は日本でも高市早苗氏ぐらい。
> 厳しい

The Taiwan People's Party's eight lawmakers, who grapsed the casting boat, abstained the runoff vote, former Kaohsiung City Mayor Han Kuo-yu (KMT) was elected Legislative Yuan speaker in Taiwan.
An extremely pro-China person becomes the speaker, the Kuomintang therefore will have the power to decide priority of the budget and bills deliberation.
William Lai Ching-te found himself in a difficult situation.
Sanae Takaichi is the only leader in Japan who has reached out to Taiwan.
It's a tough situation.



> 習近平が台湾に新たな圧力 & 嫌がらせ。
> 台湾海峡の暗黙の休戦ライン "中間線"に沿って設定された民間機航路を2月1日から台湾寄りを飛行するよう運用変更すると中国航空当局が一方的に発表。
>「中国が少しずつ "サラミ戦術"を取っている」と石平氏。
> この覇権独裁国家と話し合いで解決できると思う方はどうぞ

Xi Jinping puts new pressure and harassment on Taiwan.
China's aviation authority unilaterally released that, from Feb. 1, civil aircraft routes set along the tacit armistice line, "middle line," in the Taiwan Strait will be changed to fly closer to Taiwan.
Sekihei pointed out that "China is adopting the 'salami tactic' little by little."
If you think you can resolve the matter by talks with this hegemonic dictatorship, please feel free to do so.


>"中国民間機航路が「台湾より」に変更 「少しずつ状況有利にする〝サラミ戦術〟の一環、新総統就任まで圧力かける」石平氏"


> 岸田首相が総裁任期中の憲法改正に言及したが代表質問では維新と国民が触れただけ。
> また国民の玉木雄一郎代表は「一日も無駄にできない筈なのに首相のやる気が感じられない。本気度をスケジュールで示してほしい」と。
> 残念ながら岸田首相にそのつもりはありません

PM Kishida commented on constitutional revision during his term as LDP president. However, in a representative Q&A session, only Nippon Ishin & the DPFP mentioned that.
Nippon Ishin representative Nobuyuki Baba stated that "We have to bring it up during the current Diet session. The limit is less than five months away. We should start to compile a revision bill centered on the creation of a state of emergency clause, which has been agreed upon by the five ruling and opposition parties."
In additon, the DPFP leader Yuichiro Tamaki stated that "We shouldn't waste even a single day, but I can't feel the PM's motivation. I would like him shows his seriousness with a schedule."
Unfortunately, PM Kishida has no will to do so.

>"憲法改正、岸田首相が笛吹けど踊らず 質問は維新・馬場代表と国民・玉木代表だけ"