

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation;[Naniwa-Wind]. N. Korean workers rioted in anger in China

>"[浪速風]. 北朝鮮労働者、中国で怒りの暴動"

> 中国東北部・吉林省で今月、北朝鮮労働者による数千人規模のストライキや暴動が発生した。
> 理由は長期間の賃金不払いで、その分は「戦争準備資金」として本国に上納されていたという。
> 日本海への度重なる弾道ミサイル発射の原資が、労働者の汗だったと思うとやりきれない。

This month, thousands of N. Korean workers committed strike and riot in Jilin province in northeastern China.
The reason was a long period of non-payment of wages, and the amount was allegedly paid to their home-country as "war preparation funds."
I can't help but feel unacceptable that the funds for the repeated ballistic missile firings into the Sea of Japan came from the sweat of workers.

> 鴨緑江をはさんだ対岸に北朝鮮の集落が一望できた。
> 平屋が 20~30軒並んでいたが、夜に明かりがともっていたのはわずか数軒。
> 一方の中国側は、映画館併設の大型ショッピングモールの建設が進んでいた。
> 北朝鮮労働者がいたかもしれない。

* I visited the Jilin Province more than one decade ago.
I could see a villag of N. Korea on the opposite bank of the Yalu River.
There were 20 to 30 one-story houses lined up, but only a few houses were lit at night.
Meanwhile, on the Chinese side, construction of a large shopping mall with a movie theater was progressing.
There may have been N. Korean workers.

> 鴨緑江では訪問時、中国の遊覧船が停泊していた。
> 川を隔てたあまりにも大きい格差。
> 滔々と流れる大河を思い出した。

* The strike was allegedly brought to an end as secret police staff promised to pay. However, when they return home country, won't they be punished as rebel elements?
At the time of my visit, Chinese excursion boat(s) was anchored on the Yalu River.
There was a excessively disparity across the river.
It reminded me of the mighty flowing river.