Ref.>"[All Politics is Global] The Great Xi Jinping Military Purge and CCP-PLA Loyalty"

>"China's Declining Population: Can Beijing Change Tack to Focus on People's Lives?"

>'中国メディア「京都市からの転出数は全国1位」「日本人は次々と京都を脱出しているが、中国人は積極的に入っていく姿勢を示している」「中国人がオンライン上で京都市の不動産を "買い占め"」'


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 1/30)


> 東京の不動産爆上がりの理由を谷本真由美氏が簡潔に解説。
> 末端から支配層まで "平和ボケ国家"の未来は悲惨

Mayumi Tanimoto explains plainly the reasons for the real estate boom in Tokyo.
"Chinese persons have been buying them. The reason why is that it has become difficult to transfer funds to the U.S., the U.K., Canada, continental Europe and Australia, and to obtain immigrant visas and study abroad visas, they therefore come to Japan where regulations are lax and real estate is extremely cheap. The reason is asset-conservation and self-preservation."
The future of from the very end to the ruling class in a "peace at any cost country" is dire.



> 岸田首相がセキュリティ・クリアランス法案について「早急に取りまとめ、与党との調整を進めて今通常国会への提出に向け準備を加速」するよう高市経済安全保障担当大臣に指示。
> いよいよ始まる。
> 国会の中で「誰がスパイの味方か」はっきり分る審議になる。
> 質疑自体に注目

PM Kishida directed Minister of State for Economic Security Sanae Takaichi regarding security clearance bill that "Immediately compile the bill, coordinate with the ruling parties, and accelerate the preparation for submitting it to the current ordinary Diet session."
It has finally kicked off.
There will be deliberations in the Diet that will make it clear who is on the spy's side.
Pay attention to the Q&A itself.



> 中国が停止中の日本人短期滞在のビザ免除について "再開を真剣に検討する"とし、日本も訪日中国人に何らかの措置をとるよう要求。
> 先の訪中経済団の求めに応じた形だが、まだ日本の経済界は中国投資を進めるつもりらしい。
> 昨年7月の反スパイ法改正で一斉に中国から引き始めた外資。
> だが日本はどう扱われても "下駄の雪"よろしくどこまでもついていく。
> 儲けの為にはジェノサイドなど関係なしの日本

China said to "seriously consider to resume" visa exemptions for short-term visitors for Japanese nationals, which is now suspended, and required Japan to take somewhat measures too to Chinese persons visiting Japan.
This is in response to the request of the economic delegation that recently visited China. It therefore seems that the Japanese business community still intends to proceed with investment in China.
With the revision of the anti-espionage law in last July, foreign capital began to withdraw from China en masse.
However, no matter how Japan is treated, it follows it to anywhere like "snow in wooden clogs."
Japan has nothing to do with genocide in order to make a profit.

>'中国 日本人短期滞在ビザ免除 "再開検討" 日本側にも措置要求'