

>'【週刊女性】《歴代 "ポンコツ総理"ランキング》過去最低支持率の岸田首相は3位、森喜朗を超えた圧倒的1位は…'

>"野党が自民に「裏金議員リスト」提出要求 拒否なら予算案審議入りできずと伝達… 安住氏「誰がいくらもらったかさっぱりわからない!」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 1/30)


> 日曜日は山口市からスタート。
> 山口市自衛隊家族会新年互例会でご挨拶。
> 災害救助での活躍、国防の最前線に立っていらっしゃる隊員の方々を支えているのは家族の皆様。
> そのご家族の本音を伺うことができる貴重な機会です。
> たくさんご要望をお聞きしました。
> 次に向かったのは萩市。(続く)

On Sunday, I started in Yamaguchi City.
I made a speech at the "New Year mutually greeting meeting" of the Yamaguchi City SDF family association.
It's their families who support SDF members, who work in the disaster relief operations and on the front lines of national defense.
It was a valuable opportunity to hear the true feelings of the families.
I heard many requests.
Next, I headed to Hagi City. (to be continued)

> 若手のホープであるささむら県議。
> 昨年の統一選で初当選されてから、萩市、山口県のパイプ役として重要な役割を果たしていらっしゃいます。
> 地元の皆さんの期待が感じられる会でした。
> 萩市を後にして向かったのは岩国市。
> 岩国市長選の投開票日。
> 午後8時に当確が出た福田良彦市長のお祝いに駆けつけました。
> 寒い中頑張ってくださったスタッフの方々にもお礼を!
> 皆さん、おめでとう御座います。
> 本当にお疲れ様でした。

(to continue) I participated in the New Year meeting surrounding the prefectural assembly member Naoya Sasamura.
Sasamura Pref. assembly member is a hope of youngsters.
Since he was elected for the 1st time in the unified election last year, he has played an important role as a conduit between Hagi City and Yamaguchi Pref.
It was a meeting where I could feel the expectations of the local residents.
After Hagi City, I headed to Iwakuni City.
It's voting and counting day for the Iwakuni City mayoral election.
I rushed to congratulate Mayor Yoshihiko Fukuda, with whom a declaration of electoral winner was issued at 8:00 pm.
Thank you to all the staff who worked hard in the cold!
Congratulations, everyone.
Thank you very much for your hard work.