

>"日教組(日本教職員組合)「はだしのゲン」を教材に朝鮮人の「強制連行」を生徒に教える 教員自身が「安全保障関連法反対デモ」に参加した体験を語る授業実践例を報告 ⇒ ネットの反応「これが立憲民主党の支持母体です」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 1/29)


> 洗脳されて騙されているから。
> 一人でも多くの人に読んでもらいたい。

[Please share]. Even though it's an important historical fact, many Japanese don't know that.
The reason why is that they are brainwashed and deceived.
I want as many persons as possible to read it.


>"Taiwan has never been part of mainland China"


> 文部省の日教組化を意味していました。
It meant the integration of the Ministry of Education into a Japanese-Teacher union.



> 日教組という反日団体は、出自が朝鮮労働党なので、ただの反日団体に過ぎない。
> こんな組織が1989年の冷静終結後に自己批判も解散もせず、のうのうと 35年も棲息するのは、日本という半独立の特殊な国だけに繁殖できるお花畑の毒を出す黴です。

The anti-Japa organization called the Japan Teachers' Union has its origin in the Korean Workers' Party, it's therefore just an "anti-Japan organization.
The fact that the such organization didn't criticize itself or disband after the end of Cold War in 1989, and has continued to exist for 35 years, is the poisonous mold in a flower garden that can only breed in a special semi-independent country called Japan.

> そして日教組の洗脳は未だに続いている。
> GHQの占領統治が終わって 72年、冷戦終結後 35年もたっているのに子供たちへの洗脳は続く。
> 東アジアに冷戦が残り、東側反日ファシズム勢力からのトロイの木馬だからだ。

And the brainwashing by the Japan Teachers Union is still continuously done.
Even though it has been 72 years since the end of GHQ's occupation and 35 years since the end of the Cold War, the brainwashing of children has been continuously done.
The reason why is that the Cold War remains in East Asia, and it's a "Trojan horse" from anti-Japan fascist forces in the East.

>"[教研集会].「特攻隊遺書」教材に想像力育成、平和教育授業例 日教組集会"


> 日教組の洗脳は子供たちの虐待に他ならない。
> 人権侵害として位置づけられる。
> 酷い内容なので広島では「はだしのゲン」は教材から除かれたが、まだ全国で子供虐待の反日洗脳の道具として使用されている。
> この記事にはないが、「はだしのゲン」には天皇を呪詛する内容もある。

Brainwashing by the Japan Teachers Union is nothing but child-abuse.
This is considered a violation of human rights.
Because of its terrible content, "Barefoot Gen" was removed from the teaching materials in Hiroshima. However, it's still being used as a tool for child-abuse and anti-Japan brainwashing throughout the country.
Although not included in this article, "Barefoot Gen" even contains the content to curse the Emperor.

>"[教研集会]「はだしのゲン」で「強制連行」教える 安保法反対デモの参加体験も 政治的中立性に疑問"