Ref.>"韓国「返済不能で不動産競売」が1.6倍に激増! 競売申請10万件突破 ローンが支払えないので家を手放す人が激増"

>"昨年の韓国成長率1.4%、前年の半分の水準 韓国ネット「ここまで国が揺らぐとは」「前政権なら2%を超えていたはず」"


> District court acquits former Supreme Court chief justice in power abuse trial

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; A court acquitted former Supreme Court Chief Justice in S. Kore, "Yang Sung-tae," of charges of "intervene into former conscripted workers lawsuits" = the Seoul Central District Court

>"「徴用工訴訟に介入」韓国の元最高裁長官に無罪判決 ソウル中央地裁"

> いわゆる徴用工訴訟を巡り、韓国の朴槿恵政権(2013~17年)の意向を受けて裁判の進行を遅らせたなどとして、職権乱用などの罪に問われた元韓国最高裁長官、梁承泰被告の判決公判で、ソウル中央地裁は 26日、「嫌疑が認められない」として無罪(求刑懲役7年)を言い渡した。
Over the so-called conscripted workers lawsuits, in a sentencing hearing on Jan. 26 of defendant Yang Sung-tae, former Supreme Court Chief Justice, who was charged with abuse of power, etc., saying that he delayed the trial in accordance with the wishe of then Park Geun-hye administration (2013-17) in S. Korea, the Seoul Central District Court found him not guilty (demand a penalty of 7 years imprisonment) because "the charges could not be acknowledged."

> 梁氏は、日韓関係の悪化を懸念した大統領府の意向を受けて訴訟に不当介入したとして、文在寅前政権下の19年に逮捕、起訴された。
> 文氏はこの事件を念頭に、徴用工問題で「司法判断を尊重し介入しない」として朴政権との違いを強調。
> 日韓協議が長期化する要因の一つとなった。

Yang Sung-tae was arrested & indicted in 2019 under the previous Moon Jae-in administration on charges of unfairly intervening in the lawsuits at the behest of the Blue House, which was concerned about the deterioration of Japan-S. Korea relations.
With this incident in mind, Moon Jae-in emphasized his difference with the Park administration by saying that he would "respect judicial decisions and not intervene" in the conscripted workers issue.
This was one of the reasons why the Japan-S. Korea negotiations became so long.

> ソウル中央地裁は、最高裁長官を含め、担当裁判部以外の判事が裁判に介入する職務上の権限はなく、職権乱用罪は成立しないと結論付けた。
The Seoul Central District Court concluded that the judges, including a Supreme Court Chief Justice, other than lawsuit-dept in charge did not have the official authority to intervene in the trial, and that the crime of abuse of power could not be established.

> 一連の徴用工訴訟では、朴政権下の13年に原告側が2審で勝訴した後、文政権下の18年に最高裁で判決が確定するまで、5年以上を要した。
> 最高裁判決を発端とした日韓対立は19年、日本の対韓輸出管理の厳格化や韓国国内の日本製品不買運動に発展。
> 日韓関係は「戦後最悪」と呼ばれる事態に陥った。

The series of conscripted workers lawsuits took more than five years from 2013 under the Park administration, when the plaintiffs won in the 2nd instance, to the Supreme Court finalized the verdict in 2018 under the Moon administration.
In 2019, the conflict between Japan and S. Korea that started with the Supreme Court ruling evolved into tightened export controls in Japan and the "NO NO Japan" move in S. Korea.
Japan-S. Korea relations was deteriorated to the degree described the situation the "record worst after the end of WW2."