
>"【韓国】ロナウドが試合延期で中国に謝罪 韓国メディア反発「5年前はなぜしなかったのか」"


> 慰安婦詐欺糾弾集会

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; In a defamation trial, former S. Korean professor was found not guilty for his remark that "comfort women were prostitutes," while guilty in part due to other remark

>"「慰安婦は売春」発言に無罪、韓国元教授名誉毀損裁判 別の発言で一部有罪"

> 韓国・延世大の講義中に慰安婦は「売春の一種」などと発言し、元慰安婦らに対する名誉毀損罪に問われた同大元教授、柳錫春被告(68)の判決公判が 24日、ソウル西部地裁で開かれた。
> 裁判官は、憲法が保障した学問の自由を強調し、この発言を含む起訴内容の大部分について無罪を言い渡した。

The sentencing hearing for Lew Seok-choon (68) -- a former professor at the Yonsei university who was accused of defaming former comfort women, as he said that comfort women were "kind of prostitutes" during a lecture at that University in S. Korea -- was held at The Seoul Western District Court on Jan. 24.
The judges emphasized the academic freedom guaranteed by the Constitutional and acquitted him of most of the charges, including this remark.

> 一方で、元慰安婦支援団体「韓国挺身隊問題対策協議会(挺対協、日本軍性奴隷制問題解決のための正義記憶連帯=正義連の前身)」が、日本軍に強制動員されたと証言するよう元慰安婦を「教育した」という柳被告の発言については「虚偽事実」を示して同団体の名誉を傷つけたと判断し、罰金 200万ウォン(約 22万円)を言い渡した。
On the other hand, concerning the defendant Lew Seok-choon's remark that the former CW support organization -- "the Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan"(Jeongdahyeop, predecessor of the Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan" (the Korean Council)) -- educated fromer CW to make them testify to be forcefully taken away by the Japanese forces, it judged that he showed a "false fact" and damaged the reputation of the organization, and handed down the fine penalty of 2 million won (approx.220 thousands).

> 柳被告は判決後、記者団に「最も重要なのは売春発言に無罪が出たことだ」と述べながらも、完全な無罪を目指し控訴する方針を明らかにした。
> 正義連は「被害者を無視した反人権的な判決だ」と批判した。
> 柳被告は 2019年9月、講義中に慰安婦問題を巡って「直接的な加害者は日本(政府)ではない」とし、「(慰安婦は)売春の一種だ」などと述べた。
> 正義連などの告訴を受けて検察が在宅起訴し、昨年12月の論告求刑公判で懲役1年6月を求刑した。

After the sentencing, defendant Lew Seok-choon revealed his policy to appeal for complete acquittal, while saying to reporters that "The most important thing is that I was acquitted of the prostitution comment."
The Korean Council criticized the verdict, saying that it's "an anti-human rights ruling that ignores the victims."
In Sept., 2019, defendant Lew Seok-choon explained on CW issue during a lecture that "Japan (the government) wasn't the direct perpetrator" and said that "(CW) were a kind of prostitutes," etc.
Following the accusations by the Korean Council and so on, the prosecutors indicted him, and at a closing argument in the trial in last December, it sought a sentence of one year and six months imprisonment.

> 裁判官は「憲法が大学での学問や教授(授業)の自由を保護している」とし、「制限は必要最小限にとどめるべきだ」との判断を示した。
> 売春発言は、個々人に向けたものとはいえず、「慰安婦全体に対する抽象的表現だ」とも指摘した。
> 慰安婦問題を巡っては、学術書「帝国の慰安婦」の著者で大学教授だった朴裕河氏も元慰安婦らの告訴で名誉毀損罪で在宅起訴されたが、最高裁は昨年10月に無罪判断を示した。

The judge(s) stated that "The Constitution protects the freedom of academics and professor (teaching) at an universities" and showed a judgment that "the restrictions should be kept to the minimum necessary."
It's also pointed out that prostitution-remark can't be said to be directed at individuals, and "It's an abstract expression to the whole CW."
Over CW issue, Park Yu-ha -- the author of the academic book "Comfort Women of the Empire" who was a university professor -- was also indicted for defamation due to the complaint by former CW. However, the Supreme Court of Korea found her not guilty in last October.