


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 1/24)


> 経団連会長ら4年ぶり訪中に長尾たかし氏が "YOUは何しに中国へ?日本を売っても自分達の利益?禁輸措置や邦人拘束、尖閣など議論してくれるの?それともスルー?"と。
> 戦後教育を受けた国家観なきエリート君、秀才ちゃんが政官財界のトップを占める日本。
> 中国共産党統一戦線工作部の掌で踊る情けない人達

In response to visit to China by Japan Federation of Economic Organizations (Keidanren) chairperson and so on, former LH lawmaker Takashi Nagao (LDP) X-posted that "What do you want to do during your visit to China? Even though you sell Japan, will it be for your profits? Will you talk about issues such as the embargo, detention of Japanese nationals and the Senkaku Islands? Or will you ignore that?
Japan, where elites and talented persons who received postwar education and have no sense of the nation occupy the top positions in government, bureaucrats and business circles.
They are pathetic persons manipulated by hands of the CCP's United Front Work Department (UFWD).



> 先に阿蘇のメガソーラーを紹介したが北海道釧路湿原の巨大メガソーラーも負けていない。
> 30年後、巨大ゴミだけが残る日本。
> 長崎県五島列島の宇久島 & 寺島にも東京ディズニーランドの約6倍のメガソーラーが建設とか…
> 緑を潰す "エコ"って何?

I introduced the mega solar in Aso earlier, but the gigantic mega solar in the Kushiro Wetlands in Hokkaido is as bad as the same.
It is too late to lament that "Japan's precious nature is being destroyed by Chinese companies."
Three decades later, Japan will be left with nothing but gigantic garbage.
Mega solar power plants approx. six times that of Tokyo Disneyland are being constructed on Uku Island & Tera Island in the Goto Islands of Nagasaki Pref...
What is "eco" that destroys greenery?
