Ref.>"朝日「出口調査で野党候補リード!」パ「きたあああ!」→ 与党候補勝利"




>【沖縄の声】 陸自の参拝に噛みつく市民団体とメディア / 辺野古の違法テントに公用車で訪れる玉城知事【ボギーてどこん】[桜R6/1/22]

Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 1/22)


> 自衛官は闘う。
> そして戦う。
> 男でも困難な任務に使命感を以て女性も挑む。
> 自然災害にも、敵国や敵の侵略にも闘い、戦う。
> 全ての日本人は彼らを支援しなければならない。
> 一緒に戦うにはまず意識を変える事だ。
> 武器を持てなくても支援できる。
> 台湾では兵役に就いていない若い男女で軍事セミナーが満員。

SDF members struggle.
And fight.
Female members also tackle with a mission, which is even difficult for males, with a sense of mission.
Struggle and fight against natural disasters, enemy countries and ab invasion by enemy country
All Japanese people must support them.
In order to fight together, we must first change our mindset.
You can help even if you don't have a weapon.
In Taiwan, military seminars are filled with young males and females who are not serving in the military.



> 防衛費増額 GDP2%達成が遅い。
> しかも自衛官の待遇改善が置き去り。
> 最新鋭の兵器、武器を揃えるのもいいが、更なる防衛費増額で先ず自衛官の給与と待遇改善にも予算を回すべきだ。
> 更に退役者と民間人で自衛隊支援組織を作り予備役を拡充、連携。
> また何よりも9条改正で国民が自衛官に栄誉と敬意を示せ。

Increase in defense spending and achieve 2% to GDP is delayed.
Moreover, improving the treatment of SDF personnel have been left behind.
Though it's not bad to have the latest arms and weapons, with the further increase in defense spending, the budget should be at first allocated to improving the salaries and treatment of SDF personnel.
Furthermore, we should create a SDF support organization with retired troops and civilians, expand the reserves and collaborate with them.
Above all, by the amendment to Article 9, the nationals must show honor and respect to SDF personnel.

> 中国共産党 CCPにとって、情報戦、世論戦は得意中の得意。
> 人民解放軍 PLAは武力攻撃より認知戦の方が威力がある。
> 毎日、朝日、日経、NHK、TBS内部にどれだけ CCPに取り込まれた者がいるかは CCPが解体するまで不明。
> 1/20生放送された番組から関連テーマを紹介。
> 番組のこのコーナー全篇はここから↓

For the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), information warfare & public opinion warfare are their best of the best.
The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is more powerful in cognitive warfare than in armed attacks.
It won't be known how many persons within Mainichi, Asahi, Nikkei, NHK and TBS have been co-opted by the CCP until the CCP is dismantled.
Introducing related themes from the program broadcast live on January 20.
The whole section of the program is as follows;


> 毎日新聞の異常な自衛官への人権侵害記事はなぜ生まれるのか?
> なぜ靖国を敵視、貶めるのか?
> 2018年に英紙ガーディアンが報じたが、中国共産党は毎日に広告費の名目で資金提供している。
> 朝日や NHKがないのは公開情報に基づく記事だから。
> 情報機関による工作は書かれていない。

Why are abnormal human rights violation articles by The Mainichi Shimbun against SDF personnel caused?
Why does it take hostile view to the Yasukuni Shirine and degrade it?
The reason why is that, as the British newspaper The Guardian reported in 2018, the Chinese Communist Party funds the Mainichi Shimbun in the name of ads.
The reason why there is no Asahi or NHK is that the article is based on publicly available information.
There is no mention of operations by intelligence agencies.

>"Inside China's audacious global propaganda campaign"