


>"共産・田村新委員長に早速スキャンダル… 出席者の発言糾弾 党大会、パワハラ指摘相次ぐ"


Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 1/22)


> 早朝に家を出て、岩国市へ。
> 昨日から始まった岩国市長選。
> 5期目の当選を目指す福田良彦候補の出陣式でエールを送りました!
> 米軍基地との関係を始め、持ち前のリーダーシップで岩国市の課題を丁寧に解決し、活性化を進めて来られました。
> この流れを止めてはなりません!
> 元気いっぱい出発された候補を見送り、和木町でご挨拶回り。

I left home early in the morning and headed to Iwakuni City.
Iwakuni mayoral election started yesterday.
I cheered on candidate Yoshihiko Fukuda, who aims for his 5th term, at his campaign launch ceremony!
He has used his natural leadership to carefully resolve issues in Iwakuni City, including its relationship with the U.S. military base, and has promoted the revitalization of Iwakuni City.
We must not stop this trend!
After seeing off the candidates who had departed in good spirits, I made courtesy calls in Waki town.
(to be continue)

> 日本政策研究センター40周年を記念して行われた中国ブロック研修で講師を務めました。
> いつもの外交安全保障の話にプラスして政治とお金の問題についてわかりやすく説明させていただきました。
> 私の講演の後行われた江﨑道朗先生と岡田邦宏先生の対談もとてもわかりやすく、勉強になりました。

(to continue) I took a bullet train just before noon and headed to Okayama.
I served as a lecturer at a Chugoku Block training held to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Japan Policy Institute.
In addition to the usual talk about diplomacy and security, I provided an easy-to-understand explanation on the politics and money issue.
The talk between master Michiro Esaki and master Kunihiro Okada after my lecture was also very easy to understand and educational.

> この件で、もう一つ申し上げたいことがあります。
> これは、行政の権限でできるので、我々立法府の人間や司法は口出しできません。
> 外国人への生活保護が、法律では日本国籍を有する者に限られていて、最高裁でも「それ以外への支給は違法」という判決が出ていても、昭和 29年に厚労省が出した通達に基づき、今も続けられているのがその一例です。
> 今回も国会議員で議論したりする場はなく、こども家庭庁が決定したことを報道で知りました。
> こういったことをなんとか変えていく必要があります。

There is one more thing I would like to say regarding this matter.
"Relaxation of requirements."
This is something that can be done with administrative authority, while the ones in the legislature like us and the judiciary can't interfere.
It's one example that, concerning welfare assistance to foreigners, it's by law limited to those with Japanese nationality, and the Supreme Court has ruled that "it's illegal to provide it to anyone else." Nevertheless, it's still done even in nowadays based on the notification issued by Ministry of Health and Welfare (* not Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare at that time) in 1954.
This time as well, there were no opportunities to discuss about that among members of the Diet, etc.
I learned what Children and Families Agency fixed via news report.
We need to somehow change such matters.


>"こども家庭庁 被災した子どもの居場所づくり取り組む NPO支援へ"