Ref.>"マイバッハ SUVに乗った金正恩登場 → ベンツ社「徹底的に調査している」"


>'【韓国メディア】"ユニクロ着てアサヒビール飲んでレクサスだよ!" 韓国の消費者は「ノージャパン」ではなく、今は「イエスジャパン」'


↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; "Pyongyang is ready to greet," N. Korea expressed so = Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his will for an early visit to N. Korea

>"プーチン大統領、早期訪朝に意欲 北朝鮮は「迎え入れ準備」"

> 北朝鮮の朝鮮中央通信は 21日、ロシアのプーチン大統領が崔善姫外相の訪ロの際に早期訪朝に向けた意欲を示したと報じた。
> 北朝鮮政府は「熱烈に歓迎し、真心を尽くして迎え入れる準備ができている」という。
> 早ければ3月のロシア大統領選前に実現する可能性もある。

On Jan. 21, the KCNA in N. Korea reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his will for an early visit to N. Korea during N. Korean Foreign Minister Choe Son-hui's visit to Russia.
It said that >"President Putin expressed deep thanks once again for the invitation of President of the State Affairs Kim Jong Un to visit Pyongyang at a convenient time and expressed his willingness to visit the DPRK at an early date."
Pyongyang allegedly expressed that >"The DPRK government warmly welcomes President Putin to visit Pyongyang and is ready to greet the Korean people's closest friend with the greatest sincerity."
It will possibly realized as early as before the Russian presidential election in March.

> プーチン氏の訪朝は 2007年7月が最後。
> 当時の最高指導者は金正日総書記で、金正恩体制では初となる。
> ロシアのウクライナ侵攻を転機に、ロ朝は急速に接近。
> 米国はロシアが北朝鮮のミサイルを攻撃に用いたと特定し軍事協力に警戒を強めており、ロ朝首脳会談で協力拡大が図られるかどうかも焦点だ。

Putin's last visit to N. Korea was in July 2007.
The supreme leader at the time was "General Secretary Kim Jong-il," and it will be the 1st visit during the Kim Jong-un regime.
With Russia's invasion of Ukraine as an opportunity, the Russian and N. Korea have been closing rapidly.
The U.S. has identified that Russia used N. Korean missiles in its attack, and is increasingly wary of the bilateral military cooperation. It's therefore also a focal point whether or not cooperation will be expanded at the Russo-N. Korea summit.

> 朝鮮中央通信は、北朝鮮の外相補佐室がまとめた今月15~17日の崔氏の訪ロ結果の報告内容として報じた。
The KCNA reorted it as the contents of the report of the result of visit to Russia by FM Choe Son-hui on Jan. 15 to 17, which was compiled by N. Korean Foreign Minister assistant office.