
>"へずまりゅうさん「世間では迷惑系と言われますが当時は子供にプレゼントをする YouTuberでした。またあの頃のように子供の笑顔が見たい…」"



>【櫻LIVE】第587回 - 門田隆将・作家、ジャーナリスト × 石平・評論家 × 櫻井よしこ(プレビュー版)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 1/20)


> 統一戦線工作部を率いて台湾統一を始め対日工作も担当する序列4位王滬寧・共産党政治局常務委員と北京で会談し、処理水の海洋放出に反対する考えで一致した社民党の福島瑞穂党首。
> これで台湾関係や国防、憲法問題で益々中国から "指示"が飛んでくる。
> これが亡国の政治家の姿

The SDP head Mizuho Fukushima, who held a meeting in Beijing with Wang Huning -- the 4th place of the CCP who is a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, who leads the CCP's United Front Work Department (UFWD) and in charge of unification with Taiwan and works against Japan -- and they agreed in an intention to oppose the maritime discharge of treated waste water.
As a result, more and more "instructions" will be come from China regarding "the relations with Taiwan," "national defense" and "constitutional issues."
This is the figure of the politician ruining the country.

>"福島処理水放出に反対で一致 社民・福島党首、中国高官と"


> 台湾総統選で勝利した民進党の頼清徳氏に送った各国の祝辞に抗議をする "異様なる中国"。
> だがフィリピンは直ちに「低劣で下品。中国報道官はわが国の大統領と国民を侮辱した。残念だが私たちも世界も、中国共産党にこれ以上の期待をするべきではない」と猛反撃。
> やればやるだけ世界から嗤われる中国

"Strange China," which protested the congratulatory messages sent by various countries to William Lai Ching-te of the DPP, who won the Taiwan presidential election.
However, the Philippines immediately launched a fierce counterattack -- "Vile and vulgar. The Chinese spokesperson insulted our President and our nationals. Unfortunately, neither we nor the world shouldn't expect the Chinese Communist Party anymore."
The more China does, the more it gets laughed at by the world.
