Ref.>"毎日新聞『ペット同伴搭乗 韓国は昔から実施』"

>"【話題】『まずはこれなんだが 日本に必要か?』"

>"訪日外国人の1人当たり消費額、1位はスペインの 34万円 中国 32万円、台湾18.8万円、韓国10.7万円"



> N. Korea says it tested underwater nuclear drone in eastern waters

Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 1/19)


> 文在寅政権が推進した「ファクトチェック」運営機構、人件費を2倍に水増し請求、政治的偏向など摘発される


> 最初から想定内😏

The "fact check" operational institution, which was promoted by the (former) Moon Jae-in administration, is exposed that "charging for doubling labor cost,"political bias," etc.

①Calling itself as "fact check of news reprts" but started only with pro-regime media
②The result is public money chew-chew (* sucking)

It's as expected from the beginning😏