
>"二階派、1.36億円不記載 パーティー券収入で収支報告書訂正 → 訂正したからセーフ?それともアウト?"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 1/19)


> 玉城知事が突然「わが国の領土・領海を侵害しかねない行為が頻繁に起こっている。県民に不安を与え、日中の友好関係に影を落とす。政府に尖閣での海上保安体制強化と平和的外交対話による日中関係の改善に向けた取り組みを求めていく」と言い出した。
> ではなぜ訪中したとき何も言わなかったのか。
> 裏に何がある?とツッコミ多数…

Okinawa Gov. Denny Tamaki suddenly started to say that "Acts that could violate Japan's territory and territorial waters occur frequently. This will cause anxiety to the prefectural residents and cast a shadow on the Sino-Japanese friendly relations. We will continuously urge the government to take measures to improve Sino-Japan relations by strengthening the maritime security system around the Senkakus and through peaceful diplomatic dialogue."
In response to that, many critical comments are posted such as "If so, why did you say nothing when you visited China!?" & "What's the behind the scene circumstances!?"

>"玉城知事が尖閣周辺の中国公船〝常駐化〟を憂慮 「日中友好に影落とす」"


>"総理辞任"ではなく、見せかけで "派閥解散"を宣言する岸田首相。
> 30年前の1994年、宏池会の宮澤喜一氏も同じ事をやった。
> 正にデジャヴ。
> 宮澤政権が「自民党下野」という事態を招いた事を思い出す。
> 国家観なき官僚やエリート達の集団・宏池会は必ず日本を危機に陥れる。
> 岸田首相がとる道は "辞職"しかない

PM Kishida ostensibly declared "dissolution of the faction" instead of "stepping down from prime minister."
Three decades ago, in 1994, "Kiichi Miyazawa" of the Kochi-kai did the same thing.
It's truly "déjà vu."
I am reminded that the Miyazawa administration led to a situation where "the LDP lost power."
The Kochi-kai (an organization formed by bureaucrats and elites with no sense of the nation) will definitely plunge Japan into crisis.
PM Kishida has no choice but to step down.



> そもそも清和会の大臣 & 副大臣を更迭した岸田首相が、自身が会長を務めた宏池会の会計責任者が立件されたのに自身を「更迭」しないのは筋が通らない。
> とりあえず "宏池会解散"をぶち上げ、この場を凌ごうとする意図自体が卑しい。
> 堂々と責任を認め、総理辞任を決断せよ

In the 1st place, it makes no sense that PM Kishida -- who replaced the minister and vice minister of the Seiwa-kai -- doesn't "replace" himself even though the person in charge of accounting of Kochi-kai, of which he served as chairman, was indicted.
His intention itself is despicable -- for the time being, declare "disbanding the Kochi-kai" and get through the situation.
Acknowledge the responsibility without hesitation and decide to resign as Prime Minister.

> 宏池会の解散を突然宣言した岸田首相。
> 他派閥に相談しないままの宣言に自民党内は唖然。
>「宏池会解散よりも内閣総辞職」と "内閣総辞職"がトレンド入り。
> 宏池会の会計責任者が立件されるのだから岸田氏の「首相辞任」が当然だが、この "目眩まし"で逃げ切れるのか

PM Kishida, who suddenly released the dissolution of Kochi-kai.
Inside of the LDP was stunned by the declaration without consulting other factions.
"Cabinet resignation en masse" becomes trending, saying that "Cabinet resignation en masse rather than dissolution of Kochi-kai."
The PM, whose specialty is "makeshift."
Since the person in charge of accounting of the Kochi-kai is to be prosecuted, it is natural for PM Kishida to resign as prime minister. Nevertheless, will he be able to dodge that with this "dazzle"?
