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> N. Korea ties with Russia to develop further following FM Choe Son-hui's visit to Moscow

Translation; It recovers steeply due to cargo transportation -- Sino-N. Korea trade recovers to 82% of the pre-COVID-19 period in 2023

>"中国への日本産水産物 40%減 処理水対抗の全面禁輸が影響"

> 中国税関総署は18日、中国と北朝鮮の 2023年の貿易総額が約 22億 9538万ドル(約 3400億円)だったと発表した。
> 北朝鮮は 20年以降、新型コロナ対策として国境の往来を厳格に規制してきたが、コロナの世界的大流行前の19年と比べ、82%まで回復した。
> 貨物輸送が列車などで認められたことで、前年比2倍超の大幅増となった。

On Jan. 18, "the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China" (GACC) released that the total Sino-N. Korea trade amount in 2023 was approx. $2,295.38 billion (approx. \340 billion).
Since 2020, N. Korea has strictly regulated border traffic as a countermeasure against COVID-19. However, compared to 2019, before COVID-19 pandemic, it recovered to 82%.
This was a significant increase, more than doubling from the previous year, due to the approval of freight transportation by train, etc.

> 北朝鮮にとって中国は最大の貿易相手国。
> 中国遼寧省丹東と北朝鮮北西部の平安北道新義州を結ぶ貨物列車は 20年から停止していたが 22年に再開した。
> 23年の北朝鮮の輸入額は約 20億 300万ドル、輸出額は約2億9189万ドルでいずれも前年の2倍超を記録した。

China is North Korea's largest trading partner.
Freight-train connecting Dandong City in Liaoning Province in China and Sinuiju Province in northwestern N. Korea was suspended since 2020, but it was resumed in 2022.
North Korea's import value in 2023 was approx. $2.03 billion, while the export value is approx. $291.89 million -- both numbers mark more than doubled from the previous year.