

>"岸田派 当時の会計責任者、虚偽記載の罪で立件へ パーティー収入3000万円不記載 → 岸田首相「事務的ミスです。コメントは控えます」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 1/18)


> 各国の独裁者も顔負けの 23年超の長期政権を誇った共産党志位和夫委員長が交代し、新委員長に田村智子政策委員長決定。
> 共産党委員長に女性の就任は初。
> だが志位氏は議長に、小池晃書記局長は続投…
> つまり単なる傀儡という事らしい。
> 共産党のやる事はどこの国でも同じ

The JCP chairperson Kazuo Shii -- who had been in power for over 23 years, putting even dictators in other countries to shame -- is to be replaced, and chairperson of the JCP's Policy Commission Tomoko Tamura is chosen as the new chairperson.
This is the 1st time that a female is appointed as the head of the JCP.
However, Shii is to be appointed as chairperson of the JCP Central Committee and the JCP Secretary General Akira Koike it to be remained.
In other words, it seems that she will be just a puppet.
What a communist party does is the same in every country.

>"共産党 志位委員長交代 新委員長に田村智子氏 起用発表"


> 中国の脅威を直接感じる台湾から無事帰国。
> 日本では経済安全保障上の機密情報を取り扱う人物に資格を設ける "セキュリティークリアランス制度"の法案がいよいよ国会提出へ。
> 高市早苗経済安全保障相があらゆる事を犠牲にして執念を燃やした日本存続の道。
> 何とか成立させたい

I returned safely from Taiwan, where I directly felt the threat from China.
In Japan, a bill for a "security clearance system" that would create qualifications for persons who handle confidential information on economic security will be finally submitted to the Diet.
It's the path to Japan's survival, which Minister of State for Economic Security Sanae Takaichi was passionate while sacrificing everything.
I want to make it be enacted by all means.