
>"共産・志位委員長が退任の意向 後任に田村氏浮上、初の女性党首"

>'男性隊員の "丸刈りルール"廃止へ 自衛隊の人材確保強化に向け防衛省が対策案まとめる'

>"日本人がマスコミに騙されている海外先進国のあれこれ14選 → SDGs、ジェンダーフリー、男女平等 etc…"

>【ch桜北海道】杉田水脈氏の騒動は壮大な計画の為に巧妙に仕組まれたものだった! 証拠の会議議事録[R6/1/18]

Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 1/18)


> 昨日は長門市と下関市でご挨拶周り。
> その途中に安倍晋三元総理のお墓に手を合わせて参りました。
> 今も多くの方がお参りに来てくださっており、とても嬉しく思いました。
> 夕方は山口県トラック協会下関市支部の互礼会に参加し、挨拶いたしました。

Yesterday, I made courtesy calls in Nagato City and Shimonoseki City.
Along the way, I visited the grave of former PM Shinzo Abe and put my hands together.
Many people still came to visit there, I was therefre very happy.
In the evening, I attended a mutual greeting meeting of the Shimonoseki City branch of the Yamaguchi Prefecture truck association and made a speech.
(to be continued)

> 2024年問題も言われていますが、支援できるところはしっかりやっていきたいと思います。

(to continue) Logistics is essential both in daily life and in the reconstruction of a disaster-stricken area.
The 2024 problem is talked too, I therefore would like to do whatever I can to support.

> 被災した子供達に対して様々なケアが必要であることは、この記事のコメント欄にある小崎恭弘教授(西宮市職員時代、一緒に結婚式の司会をしたことがあります)が書いていらっしゃる通りで、論を待ちません。
> しかし、いきなり「NPOに 500万支援」は間違いです。

> まずはその被災状況を調査し、早期に児童館や子ども園等の復旧を支援し、そこで働く人々が子供達をしっかりケアできる環境を確保すべき。
> または、避難所で保育士さんや児童館の先生が活動できるようにするべきです。
> いきなり地元自治体を通り越してNPOを支援するのではなく、まずは「公」でできることをやり、その上で「民」の手を借りる。
> この順番が大切です。
> 地元自治体を飛び越えて実施する今回のやり方は納得がいきません。
> 阪神淡路や東日本等の災害時に自治体がどう機能したかのノウハウも蓄積されています。
> 先にそれを検討すべきです。

>・こういった NPOは都会に集中しており、地方には少ない為、最終的には地域外の NPOに頼らざるを得なくなります。
>(実際に困難女性支援法は都市の NPOが地方を支援できる建てつけになっていて、私はとても危惧しています)
> その地域の事情がわからない NPOが入ってきて活動するのは国が考えているほど簡単ではありません。
> それによって地元自治体の手を煩わす事態も発生します。

> そういった理由からこの方針は撤回すべきと考えます。

As Prof. Yasuhiro Kozaki (I took a role of MC of a wedding with him when I was a Nishinomiya City hall staff) wrote in the comment section of this article, it's only natural that the children affected by the disaster require a various cares.
However, suddenly "\5 million support money to NPOs" is wrong.

* Each local municipality has a department that provides childcare support.
At first, we should investigate the damage caused by the disaster, provide early support for the recovery of children's centers and kindergartens, and ensure that persons working there can provide adequate care for children.
Alternatively, we should make it possible for childcare workers and children's center teachers to work at evacuation centers.
Instead of suddenly going beyond the local municipalities and supporting NPO, we will at first do what "public" we can do and then ask for help from the "private."
This order does matter.
I am not satisfied with the way of doing this time, while ignoring the municipalities.
We have also accumulated know-how on how local municipalities functioned during disasters such as Hanshin-Awaji- and East Japan Great Earthquakes.
You should consider that in advance.

* These NPOs are concentrated in urban areas and are rare in rural areas. Eventually, we will therefore have to rely non-regional NPOs.
(Indeed, the Difficult Women Support Act provides a mechanism for NPOs in urban areas to support rural areas. I'm therefore very worried).
It's not as easy as the government thinks that NPOs which don't understand the local situation to come in and carry out activities.
This may also cause trouble for local governments.

Due to afore-mentioned reasons, I think that this policy should be withdrawn.

>"政府、被災した子どもの居場所づくり支援へ 能登半島地震"


> そうおっしゃる貴方は地方自治体職員さん達を過小評価されていませんか?
> 地域の宝である子供達を守りたい思いは人一倍強いですし、その使命感があります。
> 役割分担で民間の手を借りることはありますが、子供を守る主体は自治体であり、責任も然りです。
> 被災地の公務員が自分の命を削って働いていることを貴方はご存知です
You, who say so, underestimate local government officials, don't you?
Their intention to protect children, who are the treasures of the community, is stronger than anyone else's, and they have a strong sense of mission in it.
They sometimes borrow help from the private sector to divide roles, but local governments are the entitines responsible for protecting children, and so are their responsibilities.
Do you know that public servants in the disaster-stricken areas are risking their lives to work?
