Ref.>'杉田水脈議員、人権侵犯の認定 "説明の機会なく遺憾で理不尽"'

>"【画像】れいわ新選組の車、事故る… 『これどういう状況?』"

>"犬のふん捨てた容疑で飼い主逮捕 → 立憲・小西議員「市民は逮捕され、裏金容疑の自民党議員は逮捕されない」"

>"立憲民主党議員「記者会見も開かない松本人志氏をテレビに出すな」→ 箕輪厚介氏「週刊誌って警察とか裁判所なの?」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 1/16)


> マリッサリゾートサザンセト周防大島で行われた柳居俊学議長の後援会・俊和会の顧問団会議に出席し、ご挨拶いたしました。
> 周防大島は教育やスタートアップ等、様々な面で全国から注目が集まっています。
> そのエンジンを担っていらっしゃる柳居議長とそれを支える方々との会話はとても刺激になりました(続く)

I attended advisors meeting of shunwa-kai, the support organization of speaker (of the Yamaguchi Pref. assembly) Shungaku Yanai at MARISSA RESORT sazanseto suo-oshima, and made a speech.
Suo-Oshima is paid attention from all over the country for various aspects such as education and startups.
The conversation with speaker Yanai, who serves as its engine, and persons who support him was very stimulating (to be continued).

> そちらの詳細はまた後ほど…。

(to continue). After that, I headed to the (Yamaguchi) Prefectural Office and held a press briefing.
I will post in details about that later...

> 昨日県庁で行いました、年頭記者会見の冒頭挨拶をアップしました。
> この後、質問が出尽くすまでお答えしました。
> 25分間の会見の予定が、結果 40分近くに…。
> 山口県のローカル局(KRY、TYS、YAB)が夕方のニュースで流してくださった他、各紙も記事にしてくださっています。

I have uploaded the opening remarks from the New Year's press conference held yesterday at the prefectural office.
After that, I answered all the questions until (reporters) ran out of questions.
I scheduled the press conference for 25 minutes. However, as the result, it took nearly 40 minutes...
Along with that local TV stations in Yamaguchi Pref. (KRY, TYS and YAB) broadcast it in their evening news, various newspapers also wrote articles about that.


> 全く違います。
> 一方の主張しか聞かずに決まったことを「検察に立件されたと同等」となるのならば、それこそ人権侵犯であり、自由の無い恐ろしい独裁国家ですよね?

It's totally wrong.
If what decided after hearing only one side means "equivalent to indicted by prosecutors," it's just human rights violation and feaful dictatorship country without freedom, isn't it!?
