
>"ALPS Treated Water Disinformation and Fake Photos Surge on Social Media"

>"CCP's 'Second-Generation Reds': Can the Anti-Xi Rebels Oust the Strongman and Form a New Party?"

>"[All Politics is Global] A 'Beijing-Friendly' Maldives President Means Alarm for Indian Ocean Security"

> 中国経済統計を鵜呑みにする財務省・マスコミの愚【WiLL Biz】

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 1/14)


> 今日は「尖閣諸島開拓の日」である。
> 今から129年前に明治政府によって日本領への編入が閣議決定された記念日。
> 八重山日報がご覧の広告を掲載し、八重山毎日は掲載を拒否。
> 東京でも親中メディアが目白押しだが、最前線の八重山でも事情は同じ。
> だが八重山毎日の方がなぜか部数が多い。
> 本当にフシギだ

Today is "Senkaku Islands pioneer day."
This is the commemorative day that the Meiji government's cabinet decision to incorporate the islands into Japanese territory was done 129 years ago.
Yaeyama Nippo published the ads. which you are looking at, but Yaeyama Mainichi refused to run it.
Prp-China media is crowded in Tokyo, and the situation is the same in Yaeyama too, the front line (confront with China).
However, Yaeyama Mainichi has a higher circulation for some reason.
It's really mysterious.


>"門田隆将氏の新刊「尖閣1945」、八重山毎日新聞が広告掲載拒否 中国に配慮か"


> 駐日中国大使館が上川陽子外相が台湾の総統選で勝利した頼清徳氏に祝意を表した事に「日本の外相が公然と祝意を表した。台湾は中国の台湾で、台湾地区の選挙は中国内部の事柄だ。日本は "台湾独立"勢力にいかなる誤ったシグナルも発してはならない」と。
> 台湾(中華民国)は貴方の国ができる前に国連の五大国の1つだった。
> 暴言も大概に

Concerning that Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa congratulates "William Lai Ching-te" on his victory in Taiwan's presidential election, the Chinese Embassy in Japan commented that 'Japan's foreign minister publicly expressed her will of congratulation. Taiwan is China's Taiwan, the election in the Taiwan region is therefore a domestic matter of China. Japan must not disseminate wrong signals to the "Taiwan independence" forces.'
Taiwan (Republic of China) was one of the five great powers of the U.N. even before your country was formed.
Please refrain from abusive words.


>"中国が日本に抗議 台湾への祝意表明に「深刻な内政干渉」と反発"


> 防衛装備移転三原則の運用指針見直しを巡る自公実務者協議が再開する。
> 英、伊と3か国で共同開発する次期戦闘機の第三国への直接輸出に突然、異を唱え出した公明。
> 自民の国防族は "ちゃぶ台返し"と怒り浸透(ママ)。
> 山口那津男代表が中国から帰国した途端の反対で "全てはお察し"。
> 中国の代弁者をいつまで与党に置いておくのか

Working-level talks between the LDP and Komei Party regarding the review of the operational guidelines for the Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment was resumed.
Komei Parth has suddenly voiced its objection to the direct export of the next generation fighter jet to the 3rd party countries, which is being jointly developed with the U.K. and Italy.
The LDP's national defense group is furious, calling it a "overturning a table."
All of that can be guessed since representative Natsuo Yamaguchi opposed that just after he returned from China.
How long will (the LDP) keep China's spokesperson in the ruling party!?


>"「説明しろよ」ちゃぶ台返し 戦闘機輸出に公明幹部が突然反対"


> 戦い終わった台湾。
> TVも新聞も昨日の総統選一色。
> やはり民進党に近い自由時報の報道が充実。
> 立法院選は民進党が 51議席で国民党(52議席)に第一党を譲った。
> 過半数は 57なので民衆党の "8議席"が完全にキャスティングボートを握る。
> つまり台湾の法案は民衆党の動向次第。
> 民衆党への中国工作が益々盛んになるとの懸念

Taiwan after the battle.
TV and newspapers were all about yesterday's presidential election.
As expected, news reports by the Liberty Times, which is close to "the DPP," is most substantial.
In the Legislative Yuan election, "the DPP" won 51st seat. As the result, it lost its leading party position to the Nationalist Party (aka the Kuomintang, 52 seats).
The majority is 57, so the Taiwan People's Party's "eight seats" will completely control the casting boat.
In short, Taiwan's bills will depend on the behavior of the Taiwan People's Party.
It's concerned that Chinese manipulation of the Taiwan People's Party will be intensified more and more.