

>"韓国建設業の不況。廃業が1.6倍に増えた! お金が回らず借金も限界"

>"【サッカー】アジア杯優勝確率、日本が1位 スーパーコンピューター予想"

> 鳩山由紀夫の「くるっぽ」誤報「はとぽっぽ」と共に飛び立つ情報の混乱

Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 1/13)


> 発行部数韓国 No. 1の朝鮮日報の今日の WEB版トップ記事に鳩山由紀夫さん登場🥳


> 何を教える?
> 土下座?🤔

Yukio Hatoyama appears in today's front page of the web edition of the Chosun Ilbo, the No. 1 circulated Korean newspaper🥳

[President Moon Jae-in didn't meet me, but President Yoon Suk-yeol asked me to be his teacher].

What will he teach?
Kneel down on the ground? 🤔

>'"文은 날 만나지 않았고, 尹은 내게 '선생이 돼 달라’ 했다”'


> 勲章の価値
> 日中戦争の時、朝鮮人志願兵が戦死し勲章を貰ったという話を読んで、検索してみたら同じ種類がヤフオクで1000円前後で売られていた。
> なんか悲しいというか、寂しい気持ち😟

> 生きてる政治家、官僚、経済人も勲章を貰ったりするが、彼らはみんな喜ぶ、歓喜の顔 > 亡者の勲章って安っぽい慰めに過ぎないかもな、と思った😳

The value of medals.
I read a story about a Korean volunteer who died in action and received a medal during the Sino-Japanese War, and when I searched online, I found that the same type was being sold on Yahoo! Auctions for around \1,000.
I feel sad or rather desolate😟

Living politicians, bureaucrats and business persons also receive medals, and all of them are delighted, they all have happy faces.
I thought that the Order of the Dead might just be a cheap consolation.

> メディアの忖度レベル
> 明らかに → 芸能人>政治家

> 政治家が同じような内容報じられたら、集中砲火を浴び辞職もおかしくない。
> しかしテレビ局も機嫌を伺う大物芸能人には凄く忖度し報道を控える。

> 芸人批判もできない連中に権力の監視、牽制を期待できるか?🤔

Media condescension level
Obviously → entertainer > politician.

If a similar contents were reported to a politician, it would be natural for him or her to resign due to the barrage of fire.
However, even TV stations are very condescending to a big-name entertainer and refrain from reporting on that.

Can we expect the persons, who cannot even criticize an entertainer, to monitor and check the power?🤔