

* Migrant workers!?
Were ban-jjokbaris forcefully taken away by the Japanese empire, weren't them!?
Anyway, in 1970s, Ahn Mika was smuggled into Japan from the Jeju Island with her family members, found a shelter in Ikuno Ward in Osaka depending their compatriots and unlawfully obtained residential status.

Translation; A special exhibition at the Osaka Korea Town Museum = history of migration from Jeju Island in (S)Korea to Osaka

>"韓国・済州島から大阪への移住史 コリアタウンで企画展"

> 韓国南部・済州島にルーツを持つ在日コリアンが多く暮らす大阪市生野区の「>"大阪コリアタウン歴史資料館"」で、1月から企画展「君が代丸に乗ってきた済州人」が始まった。
> 島と大阪築港を「君が代丸」で結ぶ定期航路が、植民地期の1923年に開かれ昨年で100年となったのを機に開催。
> 6月ごろまで。

At the >"Osaka Korea Town Museum" in Ikuno Ward in Osaka Pref., where many ban-jjokbari (* "Korean residents in Japan with permanent status") whose roots is in the Jeju Island in Southren S. Korea, a special exhibition titled "Jeju Island natives who came to Japan boarding on the Kimigayo-maru" (correct title in English is unknown) was kicked off in January.
The event was held on the occasion of the 100th anniversary in last year, as the regular sea route connecting the (Jeju) Island and Chikko in Osaka with "the Kimigayo-maru" was opened in 1923 during the annexation (* not "colonial") period.
It will be held until around June.

> 大阪公立大教授の伊地知紀子副館長によると、済州から仕事で日本へ渡った最初の記録は、1903年の海女だった。
> 航路開始の 23年以降、大阪市の市域拡張で工場が増えた猪飼野(現在の生野地域)に島民が急増。
> 30年代半ばには島人口の約 25%に当たる5万人余りが大阪に暮らし、コリアタウンの元を形成した。

According to Prof. Noriko Ijichi at Osaka Metropolitan University, who is vice director of the museum, the 1st record of traveling from Jeju Island to Japan for work was female diver(s) in 1903.
After the opening of the route in 1923, the number of islanders rapidly increased in Ikaino (Ikuno area in nowadays), where the number of factories increased due to the expansion of Osaka City.
In the mid-1930s, more than 50,000 ones, or about 25% of Jeju Islanders population, lived in Osaka, and the foundation of the Korea-town was formed.