Ref.>"韓国外相「日本企業も共に船乗って」 元徴用工解決へ要請"


> 韓国新外相「徴用工問題解決に向け、日本の民間企業も共に船に乗る気持ちで財団に参加することを期待する」

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; "Expect Japanese companies to participate in" the conscripted workers foundation = new S. Korean FM Cho Tae-yul expressed so at a press conference after the inauguration ceremony

>"韓国新外相、徴用工基金に「日本企業の参加を期待」 就任式後の会見で"

> 韓国の趙兌烈(チョ・テヨル)新外相は12日、いわゆる徴用工訴訟で「韓日関係改善の流れに乗り、日本の民間企業も同じ船に乗る思いで問題解決に参加してくださるよう期待する」と述べ、韓国政府傘下の財団基金への拠出に日本企業が加わるよう求めた。
> 同日の就任式後の会見で、記者団に答えた。

Concerning so called conscripted workers lawsuit, on Jan. 12, new S. Korean Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul said that "I hope that Japanese private companies will join the trend of improving Japan-S. Korea relations and participate in problem-settlement as if boarding on the same ship" and required the Japanese companies to participate to donate money to the S. Korean government affiliated foundation.
He replied so to reporters at a press conference after the inauguration ceremony.

> 徴用工訴訟をめぐっては、2018年の3件に続き、先月から今月にかけて新たに6件の訴訟で原告側の勝訴が確定。
> 韓国政府は先行訴訟と同様、昨年3月発表の解決策に沿って政府傘下の財団を通じ賠償金相当額を原告側に支払う方針だが、これまでに集まった寄付金は 40億ウォン(約4億4千万円)余りにとどまる。
> 遅延損害金などを含め、1人あたり2億ウォンを超えるとされる解決金が枯渇する懸念が出ている。

Over the conscripted workers lawsuits, following three cases in 2018, wins on the plaintiff sides were finalized in six lawsuits from last month to this month.
As with lawsuits in advance, Seoul has a policy to pay the amount equivalent to the compensation to the plaintiffs through a government-affiliated foundation, in line with the solution released in last March. However, the donations collected so far are just over 4 billion won (approx. \440 million).
It's worried that the settlement money, which is estimated to exceed 200 million won per person, including late fees, will run out.

> 日韓両政府が両国間の請求権問題の「完全かつ最終的」な解決に合意した1965年の日韓請求権協定と、日本企業の賠償責任を認定した韓国最高裁の判断が食い違う状況で、趙氏は韓国政府の解決策が「ほぼ唯一の方策だ」と強調した。
> 韓国外務省は基金維持に向け「財源の拡充に努めていく」としている。

In the situation that the Japan-RoK claim rights agreement (1965) in which Japanese- and S. Korean governments agreed in "complete and final" settlement of the bilateral claim rights issue, contradicts with the sentences handed down by the Supreme Court of Korea which acknowledged compensation-responsibility of the Japanese firms, FM Cho Tae-yul emphasized that the solution released by Seoul is "almost only available measure."
S. Korean Foreign Ministry explains to "do our best to expand the fund-sources" in order to keep the foundation.