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> S. Korea's top court once again orders Japanese firm to compensate victims of wartime forced labor

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; A compensation order is finalized again in a conscripted workers lawsuit at the Supreme Court of Korea

>"徴用工訴訟、賠償命令がまた確定 韓国最高裁"

> 日本の朝鮮半島統治期に徴用工として動員されたと主張する韓国人の遺族が日本製鉄に損害賠償を求めた訴訟で、韓国最高裁は11日、同社側の上告を棄却した。
> 1億ウォン(約1100万円)の賠償支払いを命じた1、2審判決が確定した。
> いわゆる徴用工訴訟で原告側勝訴が確定するのは9件目。
> 日本製鉄はすでに2件の訴訟で賠償命令が確定している。

In a lawsuit filed by bereaved S. Koreans family members against Nippon Steel, who claimed to have been conscripted as laborers during the Japanese Korean Peninsula ruling priod to seek compensation, on Jan. 11, the Supreme Court of S. Korea dismissted the company's appeal.
The 1st and 2nd instance sentences were finalized ordering the company to pay compensation of 100 million won (approx. \11 million).
This is the 9th so-called conscripted workers lawsuit, in which the victory of the plaintiff is finalized.
Regarding Nippon Steel, compensation orders have already been finalized in two lawsuits.

> 一方、先月 28日に日立造船への賠償命令が確定した同種訴訟で、原告側弁護士は11日、同社が判決確定前に裁判所に預けていた供託金の差し押さえを申請したと明らかにした。
> 供託金が賠償に充てられれば、徴用工訴訟で日本企業の資金が原告側に渡る初の事例となる。

Meanwhile, in a similar lawsuit in which a compensation order was finalized against Hitachi Zosen on Dec. 28, the plaintiff's lawyer(s) revealed on Jan. 11 to have applied to seize the deposit money, which the company deposited with the court before the sentence was finalized.
If the deposit money is used for compensation, it will be the 1st time that fund ofa Japanese company is handed over to the plaintiff in a conscripted workers laqsuit.

> 日韓は1965年の日韓請求権協定で、両国間の請求権問題の「完全かつ最終的」な解決に合意。
> 尹錫悦政権は昨年3月、日本企業の韓国内資産が現金化され、日本側に損害が生じる事態を回避するため、政府傘下の財団が賠償金相当額を支払う解決策を発表した。

In the 1965 Japan-RoK claim rights agreement, Japan and S. Korea agreed in "complete and final" settlement of the bilateral claims issue.
In last March, the Yook Suk-Yeol administration released a solution in which a government-affiliated foundation would pay the equivalent amount of compensation, in order to avoid a situation where Japanese companies' domestic assets are liquidated and the Japanese side is damaged.