
> North Korean leader Kim has "no intention of avoiding a war on the Korean peninsula"

Translation; Is the telegram of condolences after the earthquake aimed at dividing Japan and S. Korea? = an expert analyzed Kim Jong-un's intention

>"震災見舞い電、日韓分断目的か 金正恩氏の狙い、専門家分析"

> 北朝鮮の金正恩朝鮮労働党総書記が岸田文雄首相に送った能登半島地震に関する異例の見舞い電の狙いに、関心が集まっている。
> 10日までの日韓両国の専門家による分析では、日本にだけ対話をちらつかせることで日韓の分断を図る目的だとの見方で一致している。

The purpose of the unusual condolences-telegram sent by Kim Jong-un, General Secretary of the WPK in N. Koea, to Prime Minister Fumio Kishida regarding the Noto Peninsula earthquake is paid attention.
Analyzes by experts from both Japan and S. Korea as of January 10 agree that the aim is to divide Japan and S. Korea by suggestiong dialogue only with Japan.

> 韓国政府のシンクタンク「統一研究院」の徐輔赫研究委員は、北朝鮮にとって安全保障上の最大の脅威は「発展を続ける韓米日の連帯だ」と指摘。
> 韓国には砲撃訓練を繰り返す一方、日本には震災への「同情」の気持ちを寄せることで日韓関係を揺さぶり、日米韓の協力枠組みの弱体化を図る狙いだとみている。

Dr. Suh Bo-hyuk -- research fellow (of the Peace Research Division) at the Seoul affiliated think tank Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU) -- pointed out that the biggest security threat to N. Korea is the "continuously developing solidarity among the U.S., Japan and S. Korea."
He thing that it's aimed to weaken the U.S.-Japan-S. Korea cooperative framework by wavering Japan-S. Korea relations by showing feelings of "sympathy" to Japan regarding the earthquake disaster, while contiously conduct firing drills to S. Korea.