Ref.>"サムスン電子、23年の営業益が 85%減"
>"旭日旗や性犯罪者まで登場… 韓国ネイバー「CHZZK」、試験的サービス開始早々に物議"
> S. Korea to resume artillery drills near inter-Korean border as buffer zones are no longer effective
Translation; "Let's never meet again"... party members leaving the DPK led by chairman Lee Jae-myung = S. Korea
> 共に民主党(野党)内で親イ・ジェミョン(李在明)系と非李在明系の葛藤が深刻化している中、イ・ナギョン(李洛淵)元代表が新党を公式化したことを合図に共に民主党員たちの離党が本格化している。
> 9日、X(旧ツイッター)には '共に民主党離党'の認証文が相次いで掲載されている。
In the situation that the conflict between the "pro-Lee Jae-myung" and "anti-Lee Jae-myung" factions within the Democratic Party of Korea (opposition) is becoming more serious, due to a signal of former leader Lee Nak-yeon formalized a new party, the DPK members are leaving the party full-fledgedly.
On Jan. 9, on X (formerly Twitter), "certifications of leaving the DKP" are posted one after another.
> A氏は共に民主党からの離党処理完了メッセージを添付し「ついに恐ろしい共に民主党から脱出した」とやや怒り交じりの表現を使った。
> A氏は「数年間、改革の娘にスイカ、その他の声を聞きながらあらゆる侮辱を受け、脅迫も数回受けたが、党籍を維持した理由は正常に戻るという希望があったためだ。本日、その共に民主党から離党完了メールを受け取った。永遠に会わないようにしよう」と伝えた。
"A" attached a message that he had completed the process of leaving the DPK and used somewhat angry expressions that "Finally, I have escaped from the horrible DPK."
"A" conveyed that "For several years, while listening to the voices of "daughters of reform," "Watermelon (!?)" and so on, I received all manner of insults and even received several threats. Nevertheless, the reason why I retained my party membership was because I had hope for a return to normalcy. I received an email from "DPK" informing me that I have left the party. Let's never meet again."
> また別の利用者は「今回の党代表襲撃事件に共に民主党は恥知らずの嘘をつき、気持ち悪さに耐えられず離党した」と明らかにした。
> 離党した相当数は‘李洛淵新党’に合流するものと予想される。
Another user revealed that "The DPK shamelessly lied about the recent attack on a party leader. I therefore couldn't stand the disgusting feeling and left the party."
There is even one person who said that "My disillusionment and disgust with the DPK has reached its peak after all the preferential treatment and truth-battle."
A significant number of those who left the party are expected to join the 'Lee Nak-yeon new party.'
> なお、李洛淵元代表は11日に共に民主党を離党する。
> 李元代表は国会疎通館で記者会見を開き、離党と新党結成に対する考えを明らかにする予定だ。
> 李元代表は前日、UBCウルサン(蔚山)放送でのインタビューで「共に民主党の国会議員 44%が前科者である。道徳性と多様性を失ってしまった」と批判している。
Btw, former DPK chairman Lee Nak-yeon will leave "the DPK" on Jan. 11.
Lee Nak-yeon is scheduled to hold a press conference at the National Assembly Communication Center where and reveal his thoughts on leaving the party and forming a new party.
On the previous day, Lee Nak-yeon criticized in an interview with UBC Ulsan Broadcasting that "44% of the DPK national lawmakers are ex-convicts. We have lost our morality and diversity."