
>"台湾で能登半島地震への寄付続々、わずか4日で7億円超える -- 台湾メディア"

>"<週刊朝日> 熊本地震の募金活動で集まった 37万円を『北海道5区補選支援、党躍進に使わせて頂きます』とツイートし炎上した日本共産党の香西かつ介氏 「ツイッターで騒がれなければ、熊本に行くのは3分の1の12万円ほどだった」"

>《在路上》 #交棒篇 -- 2024 賴清德 蕭美琴|總統競選 CF

Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 1/9)


> これが話題の民進党の総統選挙キャンペーンの CM。
> 運転するのは蔡英文総統、助手席に頼清徳候補が座る。
> Youtube上では1000万回再生を達成。
> 二人の会話と映像の意味を林健良さんのメルマガの解説から紹介。
> カーナビの不調があっても、そのまま運転する。
> 中華民国憲法は可笑しい憲法だが、民主の道と台湾の独立性をますます強調していこうというメッセージ。
> そして海辺で車から降りて、頼清徳に鍵を渡した。
> 民主国家は権力をバトンタッチ。
> 太平洋側の海岸線を走るのは、台湾の将来はシナでなく、日本やアメリカと共にあるという意味。

This is a CM of the Democratic Progressive Party's presidential election campaign.
President Tsai Ing-wen is behind the steering wheel, while candidate William Lai Ching-te sits in the passenger seat.
The number of views is more than 10 million on YouTube.
Please let me introduce the meaning of the conversation between the two and the footage from Lin Jianliang's e-mail newsletter commentary.
"Let's take the road of democracy. Straight forward towards democracy." We will firmly keep the road of democracy.
"It seems windy outside. But I can hardly feel it. You have been so steady." It means that the environment surrounding Taiwan is not stable, but Taiwan is stable.
Even if there is a problem with the car navigation system, continue driving.
The Constitution of the Republic of China is an irrational constitution, but it's a message to further emphasize the path of democracy and Taiwan's independence.
"Say, what if I lose one of my ears? What if I lose my other ear? Then you'd lose your sense of direction and you'd less hear. And I wouldn't be able to see because I wear glasses." Even if (DPP) win the presidential election, it will not be considered a victory unless (DPP) win a majority in the Legislative Yuan.
Then she gets out of the vehicle at the beach and hands the key (of the vehicle) to William Lai Ching-te."
The democratic state hands over power.
Driving along the Pacific coastline means that Taiwan's future lies not with China, but Japan and the U.S.



> NHK始め既存 TV局が、複数の現場自衛官をスタジオに招き、そんな議論に参加させる、などという番組は死んでも作れません。
> そもそも可能な限りメディアは自衛官を見せないし隠す。
> GHQが作ったメディアはリアルを隠す体質。

It's absolutely impossible for existing TV stations, including NHK, to create a program to invite multiple on-site SDF personnel to the studio and make them participate in such discussion.
In the first place, as much as possible, the media hides and does not show SDF personnel.
"Ama-chan" is a story of recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake. Nevertheless, it's abnormal so much that the SDF doesn't appear.
The media created by GHQ has the tendency to hide reality.



> いいアイデア!
> 自衛官や海上保安官、消防署職員と NHK職員の待遇を逆にするのは名案。
> 志願も増えそう。

Good idea!
It's a good idea to reverse the treatment of SDF personnel, Coast Guard members, fire department employees and NHK employees.
The number of applicants is likely to increase.



> 日本の都市に軍服が見えないは異常です。
> 軍服は地球上の都市の景観の一つだが、日本では意図的に軍服、武器などを削除する景観上の検閲がある。
> もしかしたら米国と連合国と 21世紀のコミンテルンが許可すれば、検閲も解かれるかも。
> そんな米国の占領下、隷属状態の状況を表しているのかも知れません。

It's abnormal that we can't see military uniforms in Japanese cities.
Military uniforms are part of the landscape of cities around the world. However, in Japan, there is visual censorship that intentionally removes "military uniforms," "weapons," etc.
Perhaps if the U.S., the United Nations, and the 21st Century Comintern allow it, censorship may be lifted.
It may express the state of servitude under such U.S. occupation.

> もともと有権者をバカにしていなければ、あんな国会議員にはなれないのです。
In the 1st place, if he doesn't make fun of the voters, he can't become such kind of national lawmaker.
