
>"【韓国】公立 KPOP高校設立へ"

>"N. Korea's artillery shells fell near de facto maritime border: source"

> 金与正氏 6日は「欺瞞作戦を行った」 韓国軍は「北が3日連続で砲撃」発表(2024年1月8日)

Translation; The 1st U.S.-Japan-S. Korea trilateral Indo-Pacific dialogue was held and talked the measures to China and N. Korea

>"日米韓、初のインド太平洋対話 対中国、北朝鮮への対応協議"

> 日米韓高官はワシントンで5日、初の「インド太平洋対話」を開き、中国や北朝鮮への対応を協議した。
> 南シナ海で不法な海洋権益主張を続ける中国は危険だとし、台湾海峡の安定が国際社会の平和に不可欠だとの認識を再確認。
> 北朝鮮による核・ミサイル開発やロシアとの軍事協力拡大、人権侵害を非難した。
> 米国務省が6日発表した。

On Jan. 5, U.S., Japan and S. Korean high ranking officials held the 1st "Indo-Pacific Dialogue" in Washington DC., and talked about measures to China and N. Korea.
It's stated that >"Recalling the publicly announced positions of the three countries regarding the recent dangerous and escalatory behavior supporting unlawful maritime claims by the PRC in the South China Sea" and >"They reaffirmed the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait as indispensable to security and prosperity in the international community"
It's stated that >"They condemned the DPRK's continued development of its unlawful nuclear and ballistic missile programs, growing military cooperation with Russia, and grave human rights violations and abuses."
U.S. Dept. of State released it on Jan. 6.

> インド太平洋対話は、日米韓首脳が昨年8月に米大統領山荘キャンプデービッドで開いた会談で新設に合意していた。
> 日本の河辺賢裕・外務省総合外交政策局長、米国のクリテンブリンク国務次官補、韓国の鄭炳元・外務次官補が出席した。
> 対話は毎年開く方針。

The "Indo-Pacific Dialogue" was agreed to be newly establihsed at the U.S.-Japan-S. Korea summit meeting at the Presidential Mountain Villa Camp David in last August.
During the dialogue, "U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel J. Kritenbrink," "Deputy Minister, Director-General of Foreign Policy Bureau Yasuhiro Kobe" and "S. Korea Deputy Foreign Minister Chung Byung-won" participated in it.
They have a policy to hold the dialogue every year.