
>"原宿に新興勢力 裏原宿で韓国ブランドが相次ぎ出店"

>"【アルゼンチン】韓国人7人逮捕 カラオケで大規模性売買"

>"震災時に売れ残る辛ラーメンの救済方法 料理研究家リュウジさんが公開"

> 支援者を装った男性に首をさされた李在明氏、自作自演説が浮上【世界の〇〇にゅーす】【ニュース】

Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 1/4)


> 正直、一部の人は原発で何かが起きることを期待してるかのように見えてしまう。
> それは人間としてどうかな?🤔
> あ、宇宙人か😳

Honest speaking, some persons seem to be expecting something to happen at the nuclear power plants.
Is it acceptable as human beings?🤔
Oh, he (* Loopy Hatoyama!?) is an alien.

> 韓国で生まれたプロレス技:「ジェミョン・リー」
Pro wrestling technique born in S. Korea: "Jae-myung Lee."

> 謎の事件において犯人は「一番得した人」という話がある。
> 1月に3つの容疑で、それぞれ公判が予定されていた李在明氏。
> 今回の襲撃事件で全て延期になる。

> 9mm縫っただけで延期を認めた裁判所も情けないが、今後権力者たちはみんなこれを真似するようになるだろうな🤔

It's said that, in a mysterious case, the culprit is "the one who gained the most."
Lee Jae-myung was scheduled to go on trial on three charges in January respectively.
However, due to the attack this time, all ones are postponed.

The court that granted the postponement after only receiving 9mm stitches is also disgraceful. Anyway, from now on, I think that all those in power will imitate this.🤔

> フェイクニュース判定に厳しい韓国

> 李在明氏襲撃事件について
>① 野党


S. Korea is a country, which is strict in judging a fake news.

Regarding the attack on Lee Jae-myung
① The opposition party
"The [1cm laceration] is a fake news! It was much more dangerous. We will deal with it strictly!"
②The surgical surgeon
"9mm stitches were applied. He is resting without any damage to his arteries or airway"

This strictness doesn't allow even 1mm error😳

> 朝鮮戦争の状況が一目でよくわかる

> もちろん絵だけでは分からない事情もいっぱいあるが、半島は本当に共産化寸前だった🙄

It makes you understand the situation of the Korean War at a glance.

- S. Korea is in big pinch due to N. Korea's surprise attack
- Resurrection by dispatching U.S. & U.N. forces. Grand counterattack
- This time, N. Korea is in a big pinch
- Due to the entry of the Chinese PLA into the war, N. Korea was revived
- Armistice in the situation in which the peninsula is occupied by half and half

Of course, there are many things we can't be understood by pictures alone, but the peninsula was really on the verge of communization.
